Ch-45 face him

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( hospital )

Kabir pov:

We are reached outside the hospital. Although I thought it wouldn't be hard for me to convene her friend. But still she had taken lots of time to say yes as she didn't want to Sam anywhere near her. It made Sam angry and gave her death glare, which she ignored completely.

As I didn't have any other option rather than agree to her condition. So I assumed her that Sam will keep his mouth shut in whole journey.

Finally she agreed and said us to follow her car but not before giving a winner smirk to Sam.

Sam gritted his teeth in attempt to control his anger. After she left I told Sam to follow her soon we reached outside the hospital, which was our destination.

" We should met her at her home.. Why we're here? "
Sam asked in irritation.

" Because there is her grandmother, who doesn't like if I'll take you guys there... Specially some loafer ... "

She said while last part was for Sam as she mentioned it while looking at him.

"Don't... "

Sam said made me look at him in confusion.

"Don't think that word is only for me. You are also standing with me. So it is for you as well... "

Sam whispered in my ear.

" If you both have done then should we go?"

She asked in attitude. Which made me wonder if Sam was right when he said this girl has lot of attitude.

"Yes.. We're.. "

I spoke as fast I could as I didn't want Sam started fighting again.

" Will she be here ... "

I asked as soon we reached outside of her cabin, which I guessed due to the name plate of her cabin.

" She is in her working hours.... But you can wait here. She will be here in an hour or two. "

"Dr... "

I called her as I don't know her full name.

" Riya... "

"You can call me Riya as we aren't in professional relationship Mr....?"

"Kabir.. "

I answered as I realised we didn't know each others name.

" Umm... Thanks for your help... "
I spoke as I hadn't even thanked her.

" You're welcome... Just let your friend out of my way.. "

She glared Sam again. Which was very funny as they both were fighting like a married couple.

" We'll make sure Dr Riya. That we don't cross your path. "

Sam said with a forced smile on his face, which she returned with equal grin.

I just don't have any idea, why they don't like each other. But I don't want it will effect me as I need Dr Rita's support most. So I nodded her before taking my leave.

Kaira pov:

" Dr Kaira... There are someone in your cabin, waiting for you. "

I heard a nurse informing me.

" But I don't have any appointment this time... "

I said while recalling about my today's schedule. There isn't any appointment today as I have to go home early. So I can accompany Sid in shopping.

We are going to get married in 4 days. But still we didn't have time for shopping as I hadn't informed hospital authority before, so they can't give me leave until they get someone, who can take care of my work in my absence .

As they rejected my leave request, so I had to come here without having any other choice. But still I have gotten permission for two days leave. Which was because of Doctor Riya. But now, it was looking like I have gotten another work to do.... Due to my bad luck.

" Dr.... They're any patient if you're wondering... "

Informed the nurse, made me relief as I didn't want to upset Sid as he was already angry due to my lack involvement in our wedding planning.

"Then who are they... "

I asked as i realised I was almost forgotten to ask this question to her.

"I don't know, Dr. But they had come here with Dr Riya. She said me to inform you as soon you are free from your work. "

She said made me confusion as well as curious. So I went to my cabin while taking long steps. When I reached there i opened the door widely making them aware to my presence.

Soon two heads moved towards my direction. One of them was the last person I wished to see right now...
Not when I'm too close to start my new life... Not when I'm not sure about my decision.... Not when I'm searching a reason to say no to this marriage... Not when my heart is suddenly awake after meeting him after so long.

And then my breath was stopped there. Then Everyone was disappeared from there... One him. I could see.

Him..... Who was reason of my every problem. Who was reason to make my heart feel all the things, which I wasn't supposed to feel... But still I'm feeling it.

Feeling all the things, which could only give me pain and break my heart again and again like it happened before. Which I don't want and will never let it happen.

I thought while taking a deep breath to hide my shock expression. And moved to Sam completely ignoring his presence like he wasn't there.

" Hi... "

Sam said in low voice as he didn't know how to grit me due to our last encounter. Where he said to go back India as soon I can.

I can understand his reasons. So I didn't want him to feel awkward due to his past words. So I gave him a friendly hug as soon he stood to face me.

First he shocked due to my sudden act then he hugged me back with same way. When we both were busy in hugging each other, we heard someone cleared his thought and makes us aware of his presence. So we break the hug and start looking at the person.

" You...?"

Sam said while looking at the person.

So who is the person...?

Any guess?

Comments plz, so I can update it fast... Plz votes as well because I didn't get much votes in previous chapters...

Do it fast...

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