ch- 11 guilt

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To be continue.....

When I reached my mansion I got a call from Raj.

"Hello buddy " said Raj.

"Hmm, why did you call?" I asked directly.

"Did you receive kaira? " he asked which made me smile evilly.

"Her flight haven't land still ,so I am waiting here, you don't worry about it, I'll inform you whenever she'll arrive" I replied.

"Thanks k, because of you I am on my date " he said.

"No, problem " I said then cut the call.

"Now I would see how will you manage here without any help" I said myself and smile.

I know very well that she is new here so she doesn't know anyone here apart from Raj and his family and I already told Raj that she is not coming so he would not be worried.

I made a perfect plan soon it will be dark I thought. Then I rest on my bed. ..... After some time when I opened my eyes, I saw the time it was 12 o'clock . I slept so long I thought than went towards kitchen for having some food. I was enjoying my food than I heard my mobile ring. When I saw the caller 🆔 I was shocked it was Raj what I do now? .I thought something then picked up his call.

" thank God k, at least you picked my call " he said in hurry before I said something he continued.

You know what I called you 100 time and you didn't answer a single call. I was scared, now tell me is kaira with you, please don't say no to me otherwise my dad will kill me, he asked me where is she? When I told him that her flight is delayed he told me he called there and asked them about the flight information ,they said it was in time then why didn't see her?" He asked after complete his talked.

"Now, what should I answer him? " I thought.

"Hey k, are you there? Don't be silence now, I am already scared because of that poor girl she is new here and also alone" he said.

Alone.... My foot, she must be enjoying herself with that officer. I thought.

"Hey k, at least say something " he said.

"Don't worry I go there and see if she is there or not " I said breaking my silence.

"But I already go there, she was not there that's why I called you so i could ask you if she is with you or not " he said.

"No, she is not with me but I will try to search her" I said.

"OK, I am also searching her if you get to know about her anything than tell me" he said then I cut the call.

" Where should I search her? I think I should start from where I left her" while thinking I moved to find her.

(Police station )

"So you did not have any information about her, not even her mobile number " I angrily said.

"I am sorry sir but you could not behave us like that and about her information, she was new here so he told us she didn't have her address now because someone was supposed to come airport to receive her. " the officer said. Now what I do ,where I search her?

" Did She said something before she went from there ?" I asked .

"Yes, she went towards airport with Mr. Kim" the office said.

"Mr. Kim? " I questioned.

"One of our officer, and she was quite comfortable with him. " he said.

He would be definitely that flirty one, I thought then moved toward exit.

It was around 2am in night, I was still roaming to search her in near by places but I couldn't find her I was tired so stopped my bike near a park, so I could rest because I was already tired and didn't have energy to continue my driving so I thought to give me some break.

Suddenly rain started so I search a place to save myself, than I noticed a figure on a bench .

"But why will someone come here in that heavy rain " I thought but couldn't stop myself to go near the figure.

When I reached near the figure, I heard a sobbing voice.

So that person is a girl, I thought then it stuck me that I also is searching a girl, so it couldn't be possible that girl is kaira. I didn't wait anymore and moved towards the figure, and guess what, I was right ,there was she sitting on a bench in Indian style. I couldn't stop myself from a beautiful smile. It was new for me. I don't like smile, so when I did I was shocked but I was glad that there was I alone.

I controlled my emotion and moved towards her then sat beside her but she didn't notice me till now.

When I looked at her, I noticed she was completely wet now but the worse thing was her cloth was torn from the shoulder so I understood what would have happened with her.

"I should not have left her alone" I said myself, I was really guilty because of what I did to her, i should have not done that with her.

I was waiting her to notice me but she didn't look towards me .after a hour rain was stopped with her sobbing.

"Now, it is right time to talk with her. " I said in brain, so i placed my one hand on her shoulder to get her attention when she loved towards me with her teary face, it increased my guilt . It was new for me this guilty feeling and some other emotions which I was feeling now. Her eyes was red because of crying but there were something more which attracted me more that was her innocent which was first time I saw in someone eyes.

"It is not good for me" I thought and divert my eyes from her but her eyes were still on me .

"I am come here to receive you" I said without looking her.

"Bu-t I did-n't kn-ow yo-u. " said her shivering voice.

"But I know you, I mean not personal but the person who supposed to receive you send me." I said.

"Ho-w wi-ll I beli-eve yo-u" she said in same voice, I think she is scared .

"Raj kashyap , the person who supposed to receive you ,want to know more?" I asked.

"Yes please, tell me his Father name ?" She asked and I looked her in disbelief then answered.

"Vijay kashyap, anything else? " I asked which she nodded in negative.

After that we moved towards my bike. It was first time for me that some girl was sitting with me on my bike, but the most important thing was that I was happy which I don't know why?

nd flashback





"Here is another update on my birthday "

Good night you all but don't forget to vote and comments.

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