Your moment:One shots!!

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Dedicated to NayaJoshyandNiall cause she was my first person to comment! I LIKE YOU!( Sorry couldn't say love you cause, i already have a love lol.).

.............. form the title basically it is your moment to have a dream date thing with the boy you love girl!!!!!! Or boy! lol.

Um....... i could actually do one shots for guys just give me your fav. celeb or celebrities... and ok this is probably confusing you ok so..... lol.

What you need to write in the comments:

1) Write your name.:)

2) Tell me how old you are.

3) Tell me what gender you are.

4) Tell me which celeb,band, or celebrities you would like to guest star in YOUR story.You know what in fact screw it! It can be a random person that you like that you saw on the street and thought were hot. I really don't care cause i'd probably do the same thing. So, no it doesn't have to be a celebrity you just hae to describe them to me or even guys a hot person on youtube or google. Just send a link to me and i will work my magic haha. (If you can show me them, if not just describe them).

 Notice how above i said YOUR story. I am not here to judge or tell you how to live your life with this celebrity. Like please don't be scared to ask me for any kind of scene you want me to portray for your character and the celebrity. Oh but i must say please no graphic scenes.

5) What are your turn ons and turn offs? ( Just to get an idea of what you like in this person).

6) Tell me what happened, like how you ran into them and what you want to happen from there, and how you said goodbye or lived happily ever after. You can sum it up if you want. Or..... you know what screw it if you like wanna keep this little one shot going then it won't be a one shot anymore and it will be your moment.:) I can go on as long as you want me to!

7) Describe what you look like. And if you have a celebrity that you want to portray you that would be much easier, cause i am making multimedia thins with you and whoever you like so.... yep.:) Or if you want you don't have to, you can send me a pic. of you or the person you want to portray you in my message box.

8) Say thanks and add anything else you think i have forgotten.:)

There will be no judgement trust me.:) And if you really need to, you can comment below or just message me privatley if you feel more comftorable.:)

So go crazy with ideas my peeps even if it is unrealistic, i'll make it work! haha.:)

Your moment:One shots!! ( ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now