One Of Those Really Long Author Notes At The End

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Yeah, sort of a fairytale ending. I will be editing this story, and in the meantime, please check out Far From You, my FourTris fanfiction! Thank you for reading this, and I hope you enjoyed it.

I'm sorry it wasn't that good of a story.

I'm sorry I left you guys on a few cliffhangers.

For updates, please follow me!

I will be updating frequently on Far From You, but I will hold off a little on Fandom University, because I need some time.

Thank you for reading this, and thank you for 1.3k reads!

If you keep this in your archive, I'll be sure to update this to say when I have officially started to write Fandom University.

On the other hand, however, I will have the first section of Fandom University published. I call it a section because it's not really a chapter.

Keep those two in your archives until I start writing again!

You can message me if you want to text me or something, just ask for my Kik or Snapchat or something. But before you ask, check my profile! I think I might have some stuff there. I love you guys, and thank you for reading my first fanfiction on Wattpad!

So as I'm ending this speech, I just want to say...

It must feel pretty good to change the 'completed' button to yes.

~ Evie 👓

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