Chapter 18 ~ Katniss

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Hmmm... Should I change it to romance from fanfiction? Or keep it as fanfiction? I don't know... Comment... 😐

Gale and Peeta keep trying to talk to me, but... I just can't.

Lauren threatened me that if either of them fall in love with me, I'm dead.


I open my locker, fix my lip gloss and braid, then turn around to spot Peeta.


He turns toward me, biting his lip and staring at me. "You keeping your distance in no way lessens my affection for you," he looks me in the eye as he speaks quietly.

Then he turns away slowly, leaving me standing there, confused.


"Katniss!" Peeta shouts.

He slaps the seat next to him in the cafeteria, in the football/cheerleader tables.

We're mixed up today. Because most of the squad has boyfriends on the football team.

I take my seat next to him, and he chatters while Gale watches me.

Then he offers me a cookie. It's iced to model a flower.

I see Lauren, sitting with the mean girls, eyeing me carefully.

Then, I just can't stand it. Bullies, everything.

I'm torn.


When I open my locker and glance into the mirror, I don't see myself. All I see is a boy. I turn around.

Peeta arranged himself so he's behind me but his reflection is in the mirror.

He smiles as he throws me over his shoulder.


At cheerleading practice, we stretch while the football team jogs laps around the gym.

As Peeta makes another loop around me, he presses something into my palm. Before I can look into his face, he's gone and away.

A cookie.

In the shape of a heart.


I walk with Peeta to math.

"Katniss?" Peeta looks forward, but in his voice I can detect nervousness.


"Will you go out with me?"

This story is becoming very lovey-dovey... QOTC: Who do you ship Katniss with? Peeta or Gale? iFandoms: Idkkkk ish too hard 😭

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