Chapter 10 ~ Harry

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She left me.

She left me for Percy. She, Lily Sally, stuck me with Dursleys.

It's been seventeen horrid years.

Abusing me. Hurting me.

I thought she was dead.

I couldn't stand life anymore. That's why I earned myself the scholarship to Fandom.

I saw Dudley stuff food into his mouth, and yet no one cared. When I did that, everyone just got so pissed.

I lay upside down on the couch, playing with the little golden ball my father gave to me before he commit suicide.

I turn around to a click sound.

Ron just entered my dorm. His face is annoyed, and all kinds of sad.

"Annabeth told me Hermione knows. She knows Harry!"

His voice turns cold and sad. Like a rainstorm is raging inside his head, and he can't find his umbrella.

"Knows what?" I drop the golden ball on my nightstand and sit up.

"She knows Harry. She knows I beg Annabeth to hang out with her. She knows I think she's a glue girlfriend!"

He begins crying, tears rushing down his face. I don't even want to burden him with my problems.

"She just broke up with me. My love of my life. She just... Broke up..." He gasps out the words.

I reach out my arms for a man hug, but my phone beeps.

Ron opens it. I don't mind, since we've been best friends and neighbors since forever.

"HERMIONE?" Ron is raging.

I grab my phone.

She just asked me out.


After that, Ron leaves, after slapping me and calling me a traitor.

I'm me. Ron's him.

He's always said I was the better one, where girls fall in love with me.

But Ron's been here longer. He's been coming here since he was fourteen. This is my first year. I'm the new kid.

I shouldn't even be in this problem. Hermione barely knows me. I barely know her.

I grab my backpack off the hook in my room.

I hoist it over my shoulder, and then I run.

To the library. To complete my homework. To get my social life out of my mind.

Sure enough, when I open the door, the one girl I don't want to see is there.

Hermione Granger.

So what do you think? Pleaseeeee I really need some advice and comments! Are you on Team Hermione or Team Ron? 😆

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