Chapter 16 ~ Piper

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I'm posting like a huge maniac. So many chapters... In 5 minutes! Haha 💕 Enjoy this next chapter!

I follow Christina and the rest of the cheerleading squad to the door. She's thanked Four for this amazing party.

Four waved us off, clutching a bottle of beer in his hand, his knuckles white. I think he was drunk.

Tris left before we did.

Christina tells the rest of the squad that Tris left because she wasn't feeling well.

Most of us know that's a lie. But nobody objects.

I can tell Annabeth suspects something. But she doesn't say anything. She's just smiling to herself, thinking about the night we just had.

Crickets chirp, and we walk in silence.

The moonlight is enough to direct our way to Tris's house.

Fortunately, her and Four are neighbors. But she's always complaining that his household is noisy.

They both live in the rich part of town.

We arrive at the doorstep, and the door opens before Marlene can ring the doorbell.

Tris's hair is in a ponytail with the white ribbon. She's in bunny slippers and has bunny pajama pants and a victory t-shirt from a cheerleading tournament three years earlier.

"Hey," she says, moving aside so we can come in.

She watches us take off our various shoes, then we squish in the elevator, which takes us to floor six. Tris's floor.

She's cleaned up the mirrors and makeup, and stacked the table high with makeup wipes.

I go into one of the changing stalls in her closet.

I take off the leather jacket Tris loaned me, along with the short dark green dress. Then I throw on the same shirt Tris has, except in MY size, plus my bear slippers with my bear pants.

I put the clothes on the racks in the middle of the room, where Tris takes them and puts to their respective spots.

Only Tris and Christina know where Tris keeps her specific clothes. That's why they're the only two allowed to put them back.

Tris opens a door within her closet, and I laugh as Katniss, Prim, Hannah, Lavender, and Lynn wow at its size.

It's Tris's shoe closet.

I'm know where Tris keeps her specific shoes.

She arranges her shoes and clothes by color, and if it's fancy or casual.

I take off my strappy black sandals, and place them with the casual black shoes.

Girls give me their shoes and I put them back.

Red chunky heels from Katniss. Red, fancy.

Combat boots from Tris. Brown/tan, casual.

Lavender ballet flats from Marlene. Lavender, casual.

Once everyone's given me their shoes, I give my jewelry to Tris, who organizes them in short but big drawers.

Honestly, I love Tris's closet.

It has more clothes than a huge store would, it's more organized than a huge store and it's like a whole mall in there.

Besides the clothing part of the closet, when it's ninety degrees outside, Tris can click a button and the closet turns ninety degrees.

When I remove my makeup, Christina is starting a game of truth or dare.

"Seltzer, anyone?"

Tris opens the fridge and takes out cans of Canada Dry, in different flavors.

She stacks them on the coffee table next to the popcorn.

"You know the question, Silena," Tris starts.


"Go lick the toilet."

Silena comes back shuddering.

"Calypso, truth or dare?" Silena asks.


Smirking, she asks why Calypso was happy when Leo was dared to kiss her.

Calypso blushes, "Because I like him."

Then she quickly turns to me, trying to get the attention away from her.

"Piper, truth or dare?"

"Dare for the world!" I shout.

"I dare you to stand outside wearing a pair on underwear on your head and make a cheer about underwear. Be sure to SCREAM!"

I shrug. "Deal."

I find a pair of my underwear, then stand outside, thinking about my cheer.






They all laugh, whooping and hollering.

Four comes out of his house, rubbing his eyes.

"Piper, why were you yelling...?" His eyes turn to my head.

I scream at him.






Four laughs.

Christina turns to Tris, whispers something, then turns to Four. Tris glares, but doesn't object.

"Want to play truth or dare?"

Four shrugs. "Sure."

He follows us into the house, and his eyes are everywhere. Gazing at the elevator, the staircase, the floors, the couch, the carpet...

"Tris truth or dare?"


Christina tells me to dare her to play seven minutes with Four. So I do.

Tris shoots Christina a death look, then follows Four into the closet of doom.

I dare you to do Piper's dare... WHATTT?! You won't? YOU PANSYCAKE! 😡 I am actually pretty satisfied with this chapter... I have up to chapter twenty... Hmmm... Should I post or let you suffer from a cliffhanger? If I get one comment I'll post all of the chapters I have!

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