Chapter 44 ~ Four

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Get it? Ahaha... Four is chapter four-four... I'm so stupid xD

Alright, enjoy! Two more chapters left till Fandom University! 💕

"We graduate in three days," Piper exclaims, leaning her head on Jason's shoulder.

"I can't believe it," Tris retorts, clutching at my arm.

I smile at her. I can't believe I have this girl back.

"We have to go shopping!" Christina exclaims. "All of us! Boys and girls included!"

We all groan.

Tris taps my shoulder.

"What?" I glance at her.

"I volunteered you to go shopping for me."

I scoff, "I'll buy you a stripper dress."

She glares at me.

"I'm only going if Tris is," I tell Christina.

"Then Tris, you're going!"

I laugh as Will tries to get out of shopping.

"The perks of having Christina as a girlfriend," Tris tells Will, "Shopping!"

"The best," Will says sarcastically.

The lunch bell rings and I follow Tris to her locker.

Mine's across from hers.

"Do you have the baby?" Tris is scavenging her locker, trying to find our report on caring for baby Olivia.

As if on cue, a loud sob erupts from my locker.

"You shut the baby in a locker?!"

"Why not?"

Tris glares at me as she marches over to my locker.

"Four. Passcode. Now."

I shake my head as I kiss her neck, and smirk to myself as she tries to stifle her moans.

She whips around, slapping me with that perfect blonde ponytail of hers.

"Tobias..." she growls under her breath.

I smile innocently at her.

She bites her lips as she glares at me, and all I can think is how much I would love to be biting those lips for her.

She catches me.

"Pervert," she says sourly before turning on her heel and strutting away.

Damn, this is so my girl.


So here's my conflict: For the Fandom University sequel, should they only be seniors, or a speed through as they start as freshman and become seniors?

But all I know, it's definitely going to be long.

Thanks! !

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