Chapter 7

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Jason's Point Of View

"AREN'T YOU JASON MACCAN AND THE MISSING MADISON?!" the woman sqealed. Her eyes wide open and I could see an employee in behind the counter dialed a number on the phone.

Without hesitation, I snatched the food out of the lady's hands and drove off as fast as I can. How could I be so stupid to go out and get noticed? There was something on my mind that was making me weak, forgetful and sometimes get me a tingling feeling inside of me.

I turned around a corner, getting me out of the plaza. I took a glance at Madison, fear in her eyes. She was breathing heavily. I stepped on the gas pedel harder causing us to be held back by all the force.

I kept my grip on the steering wheel tight. My eyes focused on the road and on the mirrors. I looked in my right side view mirror and saw already two police cars were on my tail.

"Fuck" I mumbled to myself. I drove even faster, hitting over 200 miles per hour. Usually here in town, it's not a busy street so that's a good side to living here. There were cars all right, but not a major traffic jam like in some big cites.

"What if they catch us Jason?" Madison screamed with fright in her voice. She kept looking back at the police cars.

"Don't look back! They won't catch us. Trust me. I got into this situation before and I've gotten out. I'm sure I can make myself out of this one." I said calming, with my eyes still focused on the road.

"Can you drive any faster?" she asked curiously, peering over to look at what speed I'm at.

"Sure can baby" I smirked to myself. My foot slammed into the gas pedal even harder and now were at rocketing speed. Running through red lights and swerving around cars.

I don't know why she wanted to get away from the police. Honestly, if the police catches us, that would probably be the best thing that's ever happened to her since she gets to go home, I go in jail and she'll never see me again. I still don't trust this bitch though.

I took a quick peek at the side mirror and the police cars were almost out of sight. Good. Now time to make a move.

I drove straight now, making cars get out of my way and forming a huge mess. Cars quickly got out of my way and went to the side or backwards and all that, causing it to block the police cars from chasing me. A few minutes later, I looked in my mirros and saw the police struggling to get through the hot mess. I smirked to myself. Those bastards. I'm too smart for them.

I turned random corners, so that finding me will be 100 times harder. I was out of town now. I had no clue where I was but I couldn't risk getting caught. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Madison shuffled nervously in her seat numoerous amount of times.

"You okay?" I asked, slowly my speed down. I pulled over on an empty street.

She looked at me with her soft brown eyes. She bit her bottom lip and nodded.

"You're obviously not! What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Why do you even care? You're Jason McCann." She said as she shook her head.

My jaw tightened as anger filled my body. I have a short temper if you didn't know.

"Just answer the god damn question! What's wrong!?" I was now yelling at her. She glared at me then looked away. She sighed and shrugged than looked back at me.

"Nothing! I swear! Nothing is wrong Jason!" She yelled back at me. She looked out the window and we both didn't say a word.

I sighed and ran my finger through my hair, pulling the ends in frustration. I started to drive again. I just drove straight in regular speed. After a few minute I stopped and parked the car on the side of the road and got out of the car.

Madison's Point Of View

I felt the car hault and heard a door slam. I turned my head towards where Jason was suppose to be sitting he wasn't there. I lifted my gaze and saw a beach. I stared in awe and a smile appeared on my face. There was no people on the beach at the moment and the waves gentally crashed down on the shortline. There we're several wooden picnick tables on the beach. I saw Jason beside the car as he looke out on the beautiful view. I got out of the car and stood beside Jason. I wonder what we were doing here?

"What are we doing here?" I asked curiously as I tilted my head to the side.

"Eating." He said as he held up the McDonalds paper bag and the tray of drinks.

My stomach grumbed to the smell of the food. I haven't eaten properly in a long time. I was starving.

I blushed as Jason shot his head to my direction as she looked down at my stomach.

"You sound hungry. Let's eat" he smirked.

We both walked on the beach and headed for the picnic tables. We sat down on opposite ends of each other. He took out the food from the bag, handing me the burger. I unwrapped the paper and and took a big bite out of it. I savoured the taste. I've never eatan one of these in so long. Jason ate his food too and we both ate in silence. It wasn't awkward though. The sound of the waves and water filled the beach. It was peaceful.

Jason's Point Of View

Madison soon finished her burger in minutes. I felt kinda bad for not giving her decent food but I'm not a good cook at all.

After a few minutes we we both finished eating. She finished sipping her orange juice and she walked towards the water. She stopped at the shoreline as she sat down. Her brown hair blew with the wind. She admired the beautiful view. I got up and started to walk towards her.

"Enjoying the view?" I asked, taking a seat beside her. The water just barely reached us.

"Yeah" she said. I looked at her and tears formed in her eyes. She blinked a couple of times and let her tears run down her cheek. She closed her eyes and looked down.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

She lifted her head to look out at the ocean

"I just miss big brother. He died when I was 10 years old. The last time I saw him was at the beach. He drowned and he died. Whenever I go to beaches, it just reminds me of him" she said softly. More tears stramed down her face.

"I'm sorry." I sighed.

I wrapped my arm around her sholder as she cried on my shoulder. I wrapped my other arm around her to comfort her. I know how it felt losing a big brother. Losing someone you love.

I remembered the day when my brother died. One of the police officers shot him carelessly and just left his body laying on the ground. He taught me everything I did now. He was a caring big brother and I missed him so much. I wanted to get revenge on the police ever since.

" Don't cry. I know how it feels to lose a big brother" I said in a hushed voice. She lifted her head off my shoulder, letting my arms loose. She looked at me as she wiped her tears away.

"You do?" She asked.

"Mhm" I answered back as I nodded my head.

"The police just shot him and left his body alone. It was terrible." I added.

"I'm sorry" she said.

For the rest of the day we talked about our big brothers and our lives. It was actually fun to talk to her. I had someone to tell how I felt and what I've been through.

We spent the rest of the day on the beach. Sitting on the very same spots. Talking. Until the sun was setting.


Hope y'all like this chapter!!

I want to thank everyone who has been reading, commenting, voting ect. It really means a lot to me and I love each and everyone of you!! :D

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