Chapter 23

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Alex's Point of View

I sat on the couch as I watched an intense football game. Popcorn was all over the place and empty cans of beer were scattered on the living room table. Just as someone was about to tackle someone, the door bell rang and interrupted the game.

"Who the fuck could that be?" I mumbled to myself as I stood up and walked to the door.

Honestly, I rarely had visitors. This is really a surprise,. I wonder who it was. I'm praying that it's not the police. But if it was the police, wouldn't they knock your door down or something?

I was in front of the door and I heard a familiar voice. Too familiar.

"Can I just die now?" a deep voice said.

A few mumbles which I can't clearly hear.

I turned th knob and swung the door open.

There stood three people.

Nate in the front. Jason behind him. And a girl that was holding Jason's hand.


Whoever the girl was, she was pretty and hot. I was more interested in her then Jason and Nate. I looked at her, admiring her features.

Her big brown eyes were stunning. Although she looked like she didn't sleep for days, she manages to still look alive. Her long brown hair that perfectly shaped out her face. Her perfectly tanned skin. Her body was just perfect. Damn. She was beautiful.

She looked at me and looked away quickly. Jason gave me a death glare, hinting that he doesn't want to be here. And Nate, was just standing there waiting for me to greet them.

"Well hello Nate, Jason, and Mrs.Beautiful." I smiled and winked at her.

She giggled and looked down on the ground, avoiding eye contact with me.

Jason cleared his throat loudly.

"Hey Alex, if you're wondering why we're here, it's because we need a place to stay." Nate said calmly trying to explain.

"What did Jason do this time?" I smirked.

Jason came at me in full charge and held my shirt into his fists.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP FAGGOT!" he screamed.

"Jason calm down!" the girl came holding back Jason. Jason let go of my shirt, which now it's all wrinkled, and he held hands with the girl trying to calm down.

"It hasn't even been 5 minutes and you two are already up in each other's faces." Nate said.

"You mean Jason has been all up in my face." I corrected.

"Anyways, we're here because the police are gaining up on us. If we stay in another country, then we'll get them off guard. Can you just please let us stay here? You got one big house all to yourself."

"Hmm. Let me thing. No!" I said.

I was just about to close the door when Jason pushed it open.

"Come on man! Can we stay here?" Jason whined as he pushed his way into the house. Nate and the girl followed behind him and now all of them are inside my house.

I stood think and thought for a moment. What are the good things and what are the bad things of letting all of them stay here?

Good things:

1. The girl gets to be in my house and maybe I'll try to make a move.

2.I can make fun of Jason for as long as he stays here.

3.Nate can be my new best friend.

Bad Things:

1-I'll probably fight with Jason every hour.

2. I have to buy more food for them.

3-More people means more mess...

I looked at all three of them, who are practically pleading for me to say yes. I looked at the girl in particular.

"I have made my decision." I pointed out.

All of their eyes laid on me.

"You all can stay at my house for as long as you want."

"YES!" they all chanted.

"BUT!" I shouted over their voices.

They sighed and looked at me again.

"What's the catch Alex?" Jason asked.

"The girl gets to sleep in my room for as long as you stay here."


Hello to all my lovely readers (:

What do you think of the new character Alex Hunter? What's your first impression of him?

There's a picture on the side-bar but i don't know if you can see it or not :( Comment below if you see the picture of Alex's house!

Don't forget to comment who you think should play the role of Madison! It could be an actor/modle/singer/artist :)

Comment, Vote and FAN! :D

Comment on this chapter and the next chapter might be dedicated to you ;)

-Sammie <3

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