Chapter 4

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Madison's Point Of View

I walked in the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I changed into the boxers and t-shirt that Jason gave me. The clothes were a little too big but it's better than nothing. I dried my hair with the towel and attempted comb my hairs with my fingers since there was no hair brush or anything.

I walked out of the bathroom and did what I did every day since I was here. Sit down on the bed. Think. Sleep. That's all I could do...or was it? Maybe exploring would be a little fun. I got up from the bed. My bare feet touched the cold concerete floor. I walked to the dresser that was in the room. Opening each and every drawer there was until I found a pocket knife and a piece of cloth.

The knife would definatley help me. Luckily, the door was wooden so it would be easier to carve out a hole for me to get through. I closed all the drawers and made my way to the door in darkness. I kneeled on the ground, I placed the knife gently on the door and started to make a sqaure big enough to get me through. I started to push deeper and harder, all force on the knife. Wood shavings started to appear on the floor. This was going to work for sure.

Jason's Point Of View

I went back to my room and laid on my bed with the covers pulled up to my chest. I put my hands behind my hand and stared at the cieling. I was thinking about Madison. There's a feeling inside me that tells me not to kill her but I know it's for my own good, I started to imagine her face and body in my head. Her perfect features. Her body was to die for. Her brown eyes that glimmered even in pure darkness. Her long brown soft hair that I imagine tangling my fingers with. Her smile even though I have her locked up.

Snap out of is Jason! Why am I thinking about her? She's nothing but a girl who saw you do a a crime. I closed my eyes for a second. Bombing would help me get her out of my mind.

I quickly got up and changed into my casual clothes that I always wear. I wore black jeans and hung them low on my waist. I wore a white -neck t-shirt and layered it with a leather jacket. I fixed my hair so that the front was spiked up. I got on my black supras and jogged downstairs to see Nate eating breakfast.

"I'll be back. Keep an eye out on Madison" I said. I grabbed the car keys and headed out the door.

Madison's Point Of View

So far I got a little slit on the door that caused light to shine through. Even if this takes hours to do this, it's worth it. My life depends on this. I just hoped that no one would catch me.

I focused on the kinfe and the door. I now down a full straight line through and more light appeared in the room. I concentrated harder and harder. I needed to get away from Jason. As far as possible.

Thump. Thump. Thump

I ran to the bed and laid down, placing the knife under the mattress. My heart beated faster. What if they noticed the door had slits through them? Let's hope not. I laid on my side facing a bare wall and I heard the door open with all force. I turned my head slightly to see someone that was not Jason. It was his helper.

I have to admit, he was pretty good looking, but not as good looking as Jason. He had light brown hair, similar to Jason's hair. I could see his green eyes and a smirk on his face. I sat up and watched him as he came closer. His arms crossing above his chest he sat down on the edge of the bed.

"Hey beautiful" he said. I could see his eyes all over me. I shivered as I looked at his eyes. He pushed a strand of hair behind my ear. His touch was cold.

"Hey" I said back nervously. "What do you want?"I asked, slightly moving back so that his arm was out of reach. He smirked and just stared at me for a second.

"You" he chuckled. I suddenly felt uncomfterable. The whole body shivered as he came closer.

"What?" I asked confussed. He wanted me? I was just a girl who got kid napped. I'm nothing to them.

"I said I want you" his voice was now in a raspy whispear. He leaned forward, his face inches from mine and I could feel his breath on my face. I started to panic and started throwing punches at him.

Surprising I was that strong to knock him over, causing him to lay down on the bed in pain. This was my chance to escape! That stupid bastard left the door open! Ha! This was it!

I sprinted out of the room and ran down the hall way finding the stiars.

"Bitch come back here!" I heard him yell. I looked behind me and he was getting out of the room. My heart beat faster as I ran down the stairs. panicked more as I stopped to find a way out. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the front door. Yes!

I ran towards the door and opened it to reveal Jason.

He smiled evily as blocked my way. I looked up at him.

"Well look who we have here"


Ooo ;) She got caught!

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