Chapter 42 {Part Two}

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Jason's POV

After a nice simple breakfast, I let Madison go to the hotel room early to get washed up and do what girls have to do.

I stayed at the table with Nate, since he had to tell me something. I had a bad feeling about this 'something'. I hope it's not something to do with those fuckers Daniel, Andrew and Ryan. I don't want to hear from them, about them or see their disgusting faces.

"So? What did you want to tell me?" I asked, taking a sip from my hot coffee.

Nate sighed, sitting up straight with his hands together on the table. He reminded me of a business worker somehow.

"Well, I was out last night and somehow, Daniel and them were in an alley, talking." he said nervously.

My eyes widen, showing interest in the subject. Even though I didn't want to hear about them, I wanted to see if they were planning anything out.

"Well...they were talking about Madison and you of course."

"What did they say? Did they say anything about their plan?" I asked impatiently

"They want to kill Madison. I heard Daniel say that he knows how much she means to you and if they killed her then you are left to suffer."

"Those bastards." I cursed under my voice, banging the table with my fist.

"Anything else?"

"Sorry but no. After that, it was pure silence for at least 10 minutes. I figured they might have left or known that somehow was eavesdropping on them." he answered.

"Thanks for telling me bro." I said.

"No problem. Anything to help you out. And don't forget to be careful. You never know when they're going to strike."

His words echoed in my head.

You never know when they're going to strike.

That just gives me shivers, but as a professional, I know what I'm doing. I have one extra job. And that is to protect my girlfriend's life.

Madison's POV

After taking a hot shower, I changed into some black leggings, and a knit sweater that Nate bought me at the boutique. I slipped on some fuzzy socks and sat down on the couch to watch TV', something I haven't done in a while.

I pressed the 'power' button on the remote and flipped through the channels. Something caught my eye. I looked at the title "The Billboard Awards 2013".

I never watched this in a long time! At least 2 years! I sat cross legged on the couch as a stunning girl named Ariana Grande present a performance by Justin Bieber.

"I'm proudly to present to you, Justin Bieber!!!"

The music started to play and the the cameras pointed to Justin on the stage. He was in a glass case.

"welcome aboard bieber air, please fasten your seatbelts, put your tray tables up and let me take you on a great adventure"

Wow he looks so good.....he reminds me of Jason.

I giggled to myself and watched his performance.

Suddenly, the door opened and Jason came in the room.

"Hey beautiful." He said, pecking my lips.

He looked at the TV and looked at me.

"Why are you watching Justin Bieber preform?" he asked.

"I was bored. He's really good though." I commented, bringing him into a hug.

"He kinda looks like you." I added.

"Well...I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or a complete diss."

"Jason!" I giggled.

"Joking." he flashed a smile at me.

He turned off the TV.

"So how was the talk with Nate?" I asked.

He played with my hair, twirling it around his fingers. I find that so cute.

"It went well I guess. Not good news at all. We might have to move around a little bit and once we find a safe place to temporally stay, we can settle in."

"Wait...what do you mean not good news at all?" I asked, narrowing my eyes at him.

He took a deep breath in and let it out. I could tell me was hurt from his eyes.

"Daniel wants you dead."


Hope you like it!

18 Days until my birthday yeah yeah! :D I'm so excited so don't mind me XD lol.

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P.S. Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes


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