"I skipped breakfast anyways, and I need to do some grocery shopping, so this gives me enough time to do that and more. Welcome to my first complete vlog, everyone."

With the heater in his car on along with the radio playing background music for his video, Namjoon thought of new things to do for his vlog and for the first time in a few days, he felt motivated and happy again.

"It's so cold outside, but look at everyone. They're all dressed in short sleeved shirts, shorts, and flip flops as if it was summer. It's August, but it feels like October. Everyone looked at me today like I was crazy all just because I wore my jacket and a hat. I don't know, maybe they are right. But my body temperature feels a little bit low, so I might have to take a warm shower when I get home and check myself with a thermometer later. I don't feel sick, I'm just cold. A doctor can't get sick on his forth day of working, it hasn't even been a week since I started my job. If I tell my boss that I can't make it to work, he'll probably throw a fit. That man is kind of weird, but don't tell him I said that, I really need this job." He giggled to himself.

While driving back home, Namjoon's temperature started going up. Instead of feeling cold, he felt hot, so he turned off the heater in his car and left.

When he arrived home and took a cold shower, he checked his temperature.

"103 degrees?" He quickly put a cold towel over his head and began shivering.

"Maybe a cold shower made things worse." He shook his head.

His hands were starting to warm up as his shakiness worsened.

"I just need to sleep this off. These are probably the effects of... Oh shit." He rushed to the medicine cabinet and looked at the labels on his sleeping pills.

"Warning: DO NOT consume on an empty stomach. May cause seizures and epilepsy on teens under fourteen. DO NOT take more than two pills at night. STOP USE AND GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM IF THE FOLLOWING SYMPTOMS OCCUR:

Fever over 100° F and 104° F.

Pain in the lower abdomen and internal bleeding.

Persistent sweating of the hands and feet.

Swelling of hands, feet, or face.



Hot Flashes.


And Sleep apnea.

Wow... Great. I can't believe that I, an actual doctor, did this to my own self." Namjoon face palmed himself and put the pills back inside of the medicine cabinet.

"I need to check the thermostat to make sure I'm not being delusional thinking my fever is going up when it could just be that the heater is too high."

Just as he suspected, the thermostat read 80 degrees, way too high. His face was burning.

He set it to 65 degrees, just so he wouldn't freeze himself or burn himself at night. Namjoon would rather feel hot and fight with his bed sheet covers than to feel cold and shiver all night.

His head was starting to hurt, so he just took pain killers, ate dinner, then took a nap to feel energized for his night shift.

«Dr. Kim, Don't Fear Me»  [K.n.j & K.s.j] Where stories live. Discover now