Chapter 10

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We walked outside so that she can see my different shifts. I couldn't bare to think that Reyna might harm her.

'Hey, I don't harm humans.'

"I know that but you haven't fed for a while. Even while coming here you refused."

'It would have distracted me.'

"This is what it's going to be like now? You always lost in your head?" Ali asks.

"It's kind of a habit after what happened." My mood drops slightly thinking about how Ashton betrayed me. He was the reason I left, not Dylan. Ashton.

Forcing me to leave the one place I would have found refuge. Helping me feel better about leaving, help me find friends. Stop me from living in my head, the first week I didn't trust anyone except him. Then he forces me to go alone back home. Back to being in my head. Even for a little while.

"Will you tell me exactly what happened? I feel like you skipped over some stuff."

"I will eventually. I don't want to think back to everything that happened yet. I thought I was safe but they then tried to get me arrested."

"Jesus, did they not like you at all?" Ali isn't one to swear or even like hearing it. We all refrained from doing so in front of her unless we are actually pissed off.

"Yeah, anyway, when I show you Aurora mind telling me what colour I am? The others just skimmed over saying it was beautiful."

"Of course." With that I let Aurora take over and shift. I didn't bother taking my clothes off, just let then rip, I didn't want to have any clothes from the pack.

I felt the bones break but Emerald made it painless. The first time I didn't have to scream. The fur sprouting out of my skin felt weird without the pain. Kind of like a scratchy blanket. My senses became hyperaware, I could hear Ali shift her shirt that was falling. The gentle breeze rustling the leaves. I could tell that my eyes were shifting colours to the original yellow.

The burning feeling inside my chest was still there but it didn't hurt. Just a little tickle.

Fully shifted I now look up at Ali. Her eyes were wide. She was staring at me with a look of wonder. Her eyes look into my as if asking for permission before walking closer and rubbing my coat.

'That's nice' Aurora purred. Ali laughed, she is not going to let that slide.

I nudge her and she rubs under my chin. Like her dogs loves. Aurora purrs louder.

'You're going to have to let me fully shift. You ripped your clothes up.'

"Did not think of that."

I nudge her again and she is able to get the message.

'It's a pity I can't talk to her.'

"How about after Emerald shows herself, I let you take over my mind? I've seen Dylan do that."

'You would let me? Oh, thank the moon goddess. I have only had control while in this form."

"Time for Reyna."

'I don't want to leave yet.' She whines. Ali looks at me confused.

"You'll get longer."

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