Chapter 20. Vampire hunting.

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Once it started getting dark I realized that maybe I should've left a note maybe. Y'know, telling Arthur that I went to go uh look for vampires. The wind soon got a bit chilly but I was determined to find out who this creep was!

I... must've fallen asleep against the wall cause the next thing I knew I was wide awake at the sound of slurping and what sounded like groaning and hissing.
Not too unusual since there are drunks around here.

I yawned and crossed my arms, hoping to get some more sleep. More slurping and this time a creepy ass laugh! I jolt awake and grab my gun. Sneaking out on the silent dark streets of Saint Denis is my exact idea of a fun time. Especially looking for vampires.

I look to my left and my right before crossing the street. I walked past this small gate, following the sound of slurping and groaning. I soon found the source of noise.
A man was bent over in a dead end ally way, sucking on the neck of a deas man's neck.

"What the fuck?!" I screeched.

The man looked up, blood on his lips. He was wearing odd clothes.

He began telling me threats and ordering me to go away before he "feasts on me" as well.

"So you're a vampire?" I ask, getting excited.

"Yes! Now leeeaaavee." He hisses.

"No, bitch." I cringe.

He looks at me and takes out a dagger.

"I'll suck ya dry." He spits.

I stood in my place, frozen with surprise, until he tried to cut me. I dodge to my right and then take out my knife quickly and throw it into his neck.

"That's my husband's job to do that to me." I growl and take his dagger as he slowly sunk to the ground.
I grabbed it and bent down and looked at him with a cocky face.

"Mine." I smiled and kicked his dying body and walked away. I looked at the dagger.
It had a name carved in the underneath part.

Ornate Dagger.

Sounds interesting. I sheathed it and took out my old knife and stabbed it in the vampire's leg and walked away, leaving them both to decay. That rhymed. Anyway...


I slowly sneaked up the stairs and opened my hotel room, hoping I wouldn't wake Arthur. Of course he was already awake and I felt the door slam shut by him as he was behind me.

"Hi, honey." I gave an innocent smile.

"Where did you go?!" Arthur asked, feeling my plump stomach.

"Um... Vampire hunting." I raised my eyebrows in a serious manner.

"Vampire hunting? Robin..." Arthur put his hands at his side and walked to the edge of the room and held the bridge of his nose in frustration.

"Yes! Look." I opened up this journal and showed him the map and the star compass.

"Okay..." He shook his head and sat on a chair.
I could tell he didn't still believe me.

"And this!" I took out the Ornate Dagger and showed him it.

Arthur looked at it and felt the blade then shook his head a second time.

"I just... don't see why you gotta be caught up in these silly-"

"Vampires are real!" I growled and turned around and crossed my arms.

"Okay okay. Sure, whatever makes my gorgeous wife happy." Arthur kissed my neck after snaking his arms around my waist.

"Nothing for you tonight!" I snort. Though I knew, deep down, I wasn't going to keep this deal.

"That's a lie." Arthur whispers in my ear.

"You wish it was." I break free of his embrace, much to my dismay.

Arthur chuckled.

I laid on the bed and rolled over on my side, away from him.
He walked over and I felt the bed dip on the other side and hug me.

"C'mon. Nothin' too much cause the baby. But... y'know." Arthur suggested.

"Nope." I felt a smile creep up on my face.

"You know you want me to do something to you." Arthur said in a husky voice.
I shivered.  Arthur was definitely not a romantic man, in fact, he mostly let me lead these things. However when he did use that husky deep voice it was sexy and a real turn on.
To say the least I was caving in.

"Just a small session." He whispered.

I turned over to him.

"Fine." I agreed.

Badadadada another chapter dooone. Okay next one comin! Thats what she said :D im childish. Also next one is gonna just be a full on lemon.

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