Chapter 4. Finally alone.

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After Arthur had finished talking to John and we exchanged hugs and a good night, we snuggled in the bag of the wagon.

I turned on my side and pouted.
Arthur roped his hand around me and pulled me to him.

"Don't be mad at me that was not my fault." Arthur whispered in my ear.

I figured I could play hard to get.

"I'm not mad at you. Just tired." I say, rubbing against him.

I felt him catch his breath and then he turned me to look at him.

"Don't tease me like that." He mumbled.

I smiled and kissed him softly, feeling excited once again and then slowly began to straddle him.

I took my shirt off immediately, making Arthur chuckle a bit at my rushed movements.

"Haven't seen those in awhile." I hear Arthur whisper against my lips.

"Y'know what I haven't seen in a long while?" I look at his eyes, feeling him getting excited near my leg.

I slither down to his crotch and slowly unbuckle his belt and slip his jeans off just enough so I can work.

Now I was worried I wasn't gonna be good enough but pretty soon I had Arthur breathing heavily and squirming underneath my touch.

Before I let him finish I unbuckle my own pants and once I was as bare as the day I was born, I slowly ease myself on to him.
Then stop.

I start teasing him.

"Robin..." Arthur grabbed my hips softly, feeling worn out from my earlier session.

I wink and slide all the way on him and let out my own small moan.

Within minutes we had the wagon rocking and trying not to moan so loud the wolves howl back.

Pretty soon Arthur finished but didn't stop until I had reached that peak of wanting to cry out in pleasure.

I slid off of him slowly and laid against him.

"That... was... fun." I heave, feeling worn out.

Arthur gives a dazed nod, falling asleep.

He hasn't coughed once during that.

I cuddle next to him and my eyes start to slowly droop until they were closed.

Then they opened for a second.

He didn't pull out did he?



John definitely gave me work to do.

Hauling hay to horses, feeding the chickens, milking the cows, and tending to the sheep.

After I had worked a hard ass day I got to sit down at my tent and watch Arthur cut some wood.

He had his shirt off so I definitely took advantage of that and got to look all I want.

Even though I could ask him to take off his shirt, this is better.
Damn he's muscular.

Once Arthur was done he pulled his shirt back on, making me let out a wolf whistle.

"Stop." He smiled and gave me a quick kiss on my lips.

"Chores get along okay?" He asks, washing his face off in a barrel.

"Kinda hard considering my back was so sore." I give him a look.

Arthur looks me up and down, a proud look on his face and then dries it with an old washcloth.

"We're gonna start a family." I tell him.

"Yes we are. Any names?" He asks, putting an arm around my waist.



Any names people?!
Boy/girl names doesnt matter!

Fact about Robin:

She had broken her arm 7 times as a kid.

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