Chapter 5. He's still alive.

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I grabbed the heavy hay bell by the wire connecting it and holding it together and swung it over my back.

It's been a few hours and all I've been doing is hauling hay and packing it.
It's a hard job, sure, but John pays well.

100$ a bell.
That rhymed.


"How ya holdin' up?" I feel a heavy pat on my shoulder.

Turning around and seeing Charles I took off my hat and wiped the sweat gathering on my brow.

"Holding up well. You?" I ask.

He lets out a deep breath and nods slowly.

"Doing well I suppose. I came to tell you something." He looks at me very seriously.

"What's up?" I ask.

Looking into my eyes he grabs hold of my waist and pulls me to him. In his strong arms he begins kissing me softly-

Nah nah thats not what happened.
(Lol 'magine)

Charles motioned towards the house.

"Sadie is here. She wants to talk to you and John." Charles said.

I put my hat back on and followed him to John's house feeling excited.
Sadie Adler.
I admire how brave and badass she is. She takes no shit and she's very no nonsense about things.

"Howdy." I see Sadie on the porch.

I walk up and hug her.

"It's been so long." I smile.

"Yep." Sadie responds, hugging me back.

After awhile of us catching up she gathers me and John near the porch.

"So I needed to tell ya something. Both of ya." Sadie said.

"What." I glance at John for a quick moment.

"Micah is still alive."

Her words shot through me like a spear.

"Micah Bell?" John asks, as if making sure it's the same Micah.

"Yes." She nods her head.

"Why are you just telling me and John?" I say after a few moments of silence.

"Arthur... well I've noticed he's still sick. I'd rather not make him so riled up again with this. You and me and John are gonna finish Micah Bell off for good." Sadie promises.

"So he doesn't know?" I raise my eyebrows.


"Alright. I'll tell him." I say seriously.

"Okay good. Meanwhile get ready for tomorrow. We're going in the mountains and finding that son'ova'bitch." Sadie orders.

"Okay." John agrees.

I nod, pursing my lips.

Sadie walks off the porch and gets on her horse.

New horse it looks like. A mean lookin' one at that.

"See y'all around lunch." Sadie waves and heads off down the road.

I look at John.

"Abigail is gonna have a fit." I say.

"So is Arthur." John wipes his scarred face.

"Well we can't keep it from them. Looks... wrong. Y'know?" John looks at me.

I do a double take at him.

"Yeah yeah yeah." I quickly agree, getting what he was meaning.

It was awkward silence for a few moments before John cleared his throat.

"Have you heard anything about Dutch?" John asks, putting his hands on the porch rails.

"Nothing." I cross my arms and lean against the railing.

It was silent all except for the crickets as the sun set lower and casted a black blanket over the sky.

"I hope I find him." I say.

"Find him? Isn't finding Micah enough?"

"He left, both, you and Arthur to die. Twice." I hold up two fingers.

"He's just so... difficult." John sighed in frustration.

"So is Micah." I point out, crossing my arms once more.

It was silent for awhile until I heard footsteps.

Seeing Arthur walk up made me smile a small bit. But not much.

"Why are ya down here so late?" Arthur asks.

"Arthur." I motion for him to walk closer and on the porch.

John takes a deep breath.

"Me and Robin are gonna go find Micah tomorrow." John said.

Hey I wanted to tell him. Bitch.

Arthur looks at John and then at me in disbelief. Arthur has this look where his eyes look real mean and it's kinda scary.

"He's alive?" Arthur looks at John for an answer.
He nods in response.

"And you two are going but not me?" Arthur hisses.

"Sadie is comin' as well. Arthur if you start gettin' too rowdy and overwork yourself then that sickness is gonna hang around. It's not completely gone yet." I say firmly.

"And if you get hurt?" Arthur squints at me.


"I get... hurt I guess?" I lamely finish.

"Arthur, we need to finish this." John says.

"You and Sadie can!" Arthur says.

"Don't be ridiculous. I'm going. And you're just gonna have to deal with it." I raise my eyebrows seriously.

John glances at me and holds back a laugh at the way I talked to Arthur.

"If you're going then I'm going." Arthur retorts.

"Hell no! Arthur Morgan you are staying and you are gonna stay here until I get back!" I take a step towards him.

Arthur's fists clench for a moment then he sighs.

"Lord help me if you have a girl because if she's as demanding as you this is gonna be difficult. You better return safely.... I'll be at the wagon." Arthur sighs in defeat and then walks behind the house.

I smile in victory.

"Damn." John scratches his neck.

"Goodnight, John." I say.

"Night." He walks in the house.

I follow Arthur.

He's gonna be so salty...

Skadoo skadae heres another chapter by the way.

Fact about Robin:

The way she broke her arm was all because her and Nancy would try and jump out their attic to try and escape their father.

Arthur X Robin | What If? (16+) Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat