Chapter 7. Aftermath.

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I woke up two days later in a house. I was confused until Arthur walked up and looked down at me.

"Was gonna make it a surprise but..." He looked down at the floor.

It pained me to sit up but I managed.

"Surprise?" I looked around.

"Ah... John helped me get a loan from the bank, annoying shit like that. Managed to get a house west of Strawberry a little ways." Arthur sat in a small stool beside the bed.

I looked around. My eyesight was hazy.

"Just rest." Arthur said, getting up.

I blinked a couple times and watched him go out the door. He's probably pissed. I sat up slightly, wincing at the pain, and looked at my stomach.

Lifting my shirt up I saw a bandage.

"Shit." I muttered and bit my lip as I pulled the bandage up with my right hand and saw a large sewed up gash with dried blood around it.

I groaned and placed the bandage back in place and laid down.
Another scar added to the list.
I don't why someone would have a list about scars they have.... 
How many scars do I have?

The one on my face, of course. I reached up to touch the scar on my face when I noticed my hand was covered in a cloth and tightly bandaged.

"At least it's my left hand." I shrugged. 

I laid my head back on the soft feather filled pillow and thought.

If I wake up with two fingers I swear...

The gun was a pistol not a shotgun. So like maybe one finger is gone? I hope it's not my middle finger I use that one a lot.

Too much.

I hear the front door open and close and footsteps returning to my room.
Then a knock.

"Come in." I said.

Abigail walked in with a small bag.

"Hi. Doin' any better?" She asks.

"Hmm, no. But I have an important question." I sit up to sitting position, wincing.

"Yeah?" Abigail pulls a few bandages and a small tan cloth out of the bag.

"Did I lose my middle finger?" I ask.

"No just an inch of your pinky." Abigail gave me a look.

"So... basically all of it?" I chuckled a bit but stopped when Abigail pulled the covers back.

"Hold still." She said.

I winced and gripped the covers with my right hand as she cleaned the wound up an applied a new bandage.

"Now your hand." She says firmly.

"You might not wanna look." Abigail suggested.

I looked straight at it.

She took the bandages off slowly and I bit my lip and almost screamed.

From my knuckle, my pinky was blown clean off. And also a cut on my palm. Dont know how the hell that happened but alright.

"Holyyyy shiiiet." I looked away.

"Told ya not to look." Abigail said, reapplying the bandages after cleaning the wounds on my hand.

"All done." Abigail smiles.

"Rest easy." She says, taking the small bag and extra bandages she didn't use with her.

I say good bye and casually fell asleep.

Omfg i am hella sick rn. But Ima still update cuz updating is just writing so im gucci and it doesnt hurt me lol.
Ily guyssssss tysmmmmm for reading!

Fact about Robin:

She misses her sister but wont ever admit it.

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