Chapter 6. The Hunt.

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Leaving to go find Micah Bell was not something I'd particularly like.

Arthur was helping me get things I might need as well as telling me to steer clear of rattlers and bears.

"You gon' be alright?" He asks finally, putting his hands on his hips.

"Yeah." I nod.

"Alright. Don't be stupid and get yourself killed." He says seriously.

"I won't. I promise, Arth." I rub his shoulder affectionately.

He touches my cheek for a split second then nods.

"Hm. 'Ight. Good luck." Arthur says.

I smile and grab my gun and some extra throwing knives I had bought.

Walking towards Ace I waved back at my husband and got on him.

Listening intently to Ace's hoofs hitting the ground I came upon John's house.

"Hi, Aunt Robin." I hear Jack's voice.

"Howdy." I smile at the young boy reading his book.

Such a fine lad.
Gonna grow up and be dainty just like his mother and strong and independent like his father.
Well independence might come from Abigail.

John is mostly fierce and also an asshole so I dunno if that's a good thing or bad thing.


John and Sadie were on the porch waitin' for me. And Charles surprisingly.

"Alright y'all ready to go?" I ask.

John nods.

Sadie gets on her horse and John gets on his as well as Charles and we head out.

It was a long ride.

I was never up in the cold mountains but the rest of the gang were.

Apparently they lost a couple people and almost lost John because of the wolves. Glad he's okay.

"You okay?"
I look at John who was riding beside me while Sadie was in front leading us. Charles was in the back, keeping watch.

"I dunno." I answer honestly.

"You scared?" John asks.

"Yeah. A little."

John takes a deep breath like he's considering on telling me something or not.

"Micah might be an ass but he knows how to use guns. He's a good shot and don't normally gives second chances. If you see an opening to kill him you take it. And take it quick." John's stare is cold but truthful.

"Yes sir.." I whisper, a bit shaken up.

"Sometimes killing isn't all that hard. Neither is living. But in the end it's gonna come down to either risking it all or burning it all to the ground." John continued.

I stayed silent and let him talk.

"I'm sorry you got wrapped up in this." John finished.

"I'm sorta glad I got wrapped up in it. Meeting you guys was definitely life changing." I looked at the road ahead of me and the hoof prints that Sadie's horse left behind in front of us.

"Could've met us on better terms maybe." John chuckled.

"It was a wild ride." I admit.

John nods in agreement.


It started getting incredibly cold and the ground was soon covered in thick (thicc) snow.

I guess John noticed me shivering and chuckled because I didn't bring good warm clothes.

He took off his coat and handed it to me.


"Arthur would have a fit if he found out." John says, getting off his horse same as Sadie.

I put his coat on and got off Ace. Such a gentleman.

Then the fight was on.

A bullet shot past John and hit my hand, causing blood to shoot everywhere.

"Dammit!" I ducked behind a small rock and tied a bandana around my hand to stop the bleeding.

Probably just lost a finger or two.

I took out my pistol and aimed at whoever just blew my hand off.


I pulled the trigger and shot at the man and down he went.

"Robin! You okay?" Charles asked, rushing over to me.

"Yep! Just blew a finger off. I'm fine! Let's go!" I say.


As we were rushing up the hill a sniper hit Charles, causing him to fall.

I heard John yell Charles name and then we ducked behind rocks.

"Does anybody see him?" John asks.

"No." I answer honestly.

My eyes scan the mountain but it was hard to see because my eyes were watering up.
First Sean then Lenny then Molly then Hosea then Susan.... and I swear to God if Charles is next...

"Got him." Sadie said and shot and I saw a man falling from a tall hill in front of us.


Charles was okay. He was alive.

"Robin, stop being dramatic. Go." Charles held the gunshot wound with his hand and wiped a tear off my cheek with the other.

I nodded and rushed up the mountain behind John and Sadie, feeling rage build up inside of me.

Pretty soon we were at a campsite.
Only a few men remained and after quickly cleaning them up we arrive at a cabin near the edge.

I took a step forward but that made Sadie curse under her breath and call for me to take cover.

Before I could react a sharp pain was in my gut.

Looking down I see a knife peaking out of my lower stomach.

I fall to the ground, looking straight up in shock.

I don't exactly remember what happened except John standing in front of me and Sadie behind me, and both sides were yelling.

I heard Micah's annoying ass voice.
Then a couple minutes of people shooting and arguing I swore I heard Dutch's voice.

"John." I managed to breath. He glanced at me but didn't answer, his gun still pointed in the direction of the cabin.

I blacked out after hearing two gunshots.

I watched The Office all night and I gotta say Andy is my favorite.

Fact about Robin:

She was named after her mothers middle name, Noel.

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