Chapter 18. Odd Writing.

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"And how.... do you know Arthur?" I clenched my fist.

"It's complicated." The lady sighed.
I forced a smile.

"Come on in." I said.

She sat down across from me.

"I'm Mary Linton." She introduced herself.

"I'm Robin Mor-.. Robin. So you and Arthur know each other?" I ask.

"Yes we do. Are you his sister? You kind of look like him." Mary squinted.

Bitch, I'm half Asian....

"No I'm not his sister. Did you two have a close friendship?" I ask through clinched teeth.

"We were gonna get married. But didn't go through with it because of just... things. I just wanted to see him one last time before I leave. Again." Mary said.

"Oh. I'm very close to him. Very." I gave a sour smile.

Mary returned it with a smile of her own. Little bitch.


I looked up when Arthur entered the room. He looked at me and then glanced at Mary.

"Mary." Arthur murmured.

"Hello, Arthur." Mary stood up.
I stood up as well and crossed my arms. I stared at Arthur right in his eyes.

"I will kill her." I mouthed the words to him.

"Uhh, what are you doin' here?" Arthur swallowed.

"I wanted to see you. You changed your ways and... we should go see a movie." Mary offered.

Arthur opened his mouth to say something and looked at me.

"I can't I have-"

"Nothing at all! Arthur go and enjoy your movie. I'll just be here. On the verge of birthing a child." I smirked.

Mary looked at me. And then at Arthur.

"Oh, Arthur. I didn't know-I just. Oh... Arthur she seemed like a maid or... Oh, Arthur." Mary covered her mouth.

She's said Arthur in that sentence more time than I say it in a day.
She also called me a maid.

"Mary, I'll talk to you later." Arthur opened the door wider for her to leave. She left with her tail stuck between her legs.

I leaned against the wall as Arthur took his hat off and walked up to me.

"She's pretty. No scars on her face, dresses like a woman. I can see why you chose her." I lied.

"Don't start. I'm sorry I-"

"Apparently I look like your sister." I said.

Arthur chuckled at that but stopped quickly and cleared his throat. I smiled at him.

"I'm messin' around with'cha. she seemed okay." I say.

Arthur came over and wrapped his arms around me. He kissed my forehead and then I leaned up and kissed his lips for a split moment.

"You're sweet." I say softly.

"Yeah well..." Arthur sighed in content.

We stayed like that for a few moments.
Holding each other and feeling safe and happy. Until some idiot banged on the door.

"WhAt?!" I yelled, causing Arthur to flinch since I was next to his ear.

"Arthur, need your help. A small situation." I recognized John's voice.

"Be right there!" Arthur called.

I sighed and put my arms at my side.

"Love you." He kissed my head again and put his hat on and walked to the door.
Once he left I looked out my window. It was a nice view. But something caught my eye. Some odd bold writing in red on a wall.


I got my Papa's funeral tomorrow but im STILL BACK!

Arthur X Robin | What If? (16+) Where stories live. Discover now