Chapter 11. Bounty Hunting.

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Me and Sadie had been on the road for quite awhile in silence, looking for this killer.

"How're you and Morgan doin'?" She asks.


"Great. Been thinking about children." I say honestly, looking around the open planes.

"That's exciting." Sadie responds.


Awkward silence.

"Got names?"

"Elijah for a boy and Elizabeth for a girl." I say.

"Pretty names. I gotta ask you a question."

I prepared myself.

"What exactly did you do while you were growing up and on your own?"

That threw me for a loop. Of course I didn't mind talking about it, I would just much rather.... not?

"I grew up on my own mostly. Father was a piece of shit. Mama died. Sister was just like daddy. My days mostly consisted of doing chores around the house and tending to the animals as well as putting food on the table. Nancy, my sister, mostly kept the barn clean and worked in the fields." I say.

Sadie stays silent for a bit so I continue.

"One day I saw Nancy murder a feller and try to get rid of the body. Went to go tell the law and she sent a bounty after me. Worked I guess." I said.

Sadie sniffed and then looked at me with a firm look.

"Everyone came from a tough past. Glad to know you made it though." She says looking back at the trail.
I nod in a silent agreement.

My mind did that thing where you stare at something and don't blink you just.... stare. And think about whatever the hell pops in your mind.

My mind floated to Sean. Before he died.
One of the memories drifted into play...

----(this is a memory)----

Me and Sean were walking in town and a drunk had kissed me.
Sean apparently thought that was so funny he almost died laughing.

On our way back I remember the conversation;

"I needed that, t'ank ya lassie."

I remember his Irish Accent.

"It wasn't a show that was fucking disgusting!" I spit on the ground while riding Ace.

"T'at is why it was soh' funny! The look on yer face." Sean wheezed.

"Okay okay." I sneered. But secretly...
I was laughing as well.
Sean always made me laugh even... when a drunk kissed me.

((Memory endededed))

I sigh.

So many people were lost.

Sean, Lenny, Hosea, Susan... Micah.
I felt like spitting at the thought of him.

(Wouldve been Arthur too but yknow ahahahaahahahhahhhahhahaahha... Sniff... *sobs* i couldnt save him in the video game)

"Here she is." Sadie get off her horse. I follow in a more gentle manner cause my injury.

"See her?"

I look through the brush and see a lady standing there over a fire, poking it with a stick.

"Let's approach her from a bit aways and talk to her." I suggest.

"Okay then." Sadie shrugs.

We walk up, staying a good ways away, and called out.

"Lady!" Sadie said.

The bounty jumped and looked at us, pointing the stick in our direction in a self defense manner.

"Calm down. We just need you to come back to town with us." I call out, holding my hand on my gun.

"No! Get the hell out of here!" The bounty screamed, throwing the burnt stick.


"Gotta do this the hard way." Sadie shoots near the bounty's foot making her scream and trip.
Sadie ran towards her and I follow at a slower pace.

Sadie mounts the girl (thats what sheEeE said)  and points a gun at her back.

"Robin, the ropes." Sadie said.

I limp over and tie the bounty's arms up and legs.

Then Sadie picks her up and walks over to our horses.

"I didn't do anything!" The bounty hisses.

"Then why the hell do you have a bounty on you. Huh... weird." I get on Ace while Sadie puts the bounty on her horse.

"I was framed!"

"By who?" I glare.

"A year ago! By a girl!" The bounty shouts.

"Sure it wasn't a guy?" We start on the trail.

"Shut up!" The bounty hisses at me.

"Ouch. That hurt." I frown.

"I hope it stung like a thousand knives!" The bounty screeched.

"I will cut your bal-..." Women dont have balls,  "I will cut your throat if you don't shut up." I hiss.

Sadie smacks the girl in the face for me, making her screech louder.

"Annoying little bitches." I shake my head.

We come in town and the first thing I see at the sheriff's office...
Is Arthur.

I sneezed a total of 30 times typing this.

Fact about Robin:

She hand raised Lee after someone abandoned him.

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