Chapter 2. Finding work.

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"No saloons, no helping in saloons, no servin' drinks in saloons, and definitely no dancin' in saloons." Arthur says, coughing a bit in the end.

"Alright, and while I'm gone you better not do any hard work." I grab my hat and rest it on my head.

"So I'm just supposed to sit on my-"

"Sit on your ass all day? Yes. Now stay." I walk over to where he is now standing.

Arthur coughs a small bit and shrugs.

I kiss his warm cheek, earning a small smile from him.

"Please stay out of trouble and just rest." I tell him.
He nods in annoyance.

"Good. See ya in a few hours." I get on Ace and head into Strawberry.

After a couple of hours or so of asking multiple places, except the saloon of course, I finally find a place I can work at:

The stables.

I walk up to the man in charge.

"Hello, young si- lady. My apologies ma'am." The older man looked sincere.

"It's 'ight. So anyways sir me and my husband are needing some money. And I was wandering if I could get a job here." I smile.

"Well... We don't really need an extra hand."


"If I were you; I wouldn't settle in Strawberry. I would settle in Blackwater. Plenty of work there and nice open fields perfect for a home." He pats my shoulder and walks away.

"pLenTy oF wOrK tHeRe aNd nIce opEn- fuck you." I whisper and walk out to Ace and head back to my lung coughing husband.

I arrive and see Arthur fast asleep on the ground near the wagon.
Carefully stepping near him I get right to his ear...

"Arthur, HELP!" I screech.

In a flash he's up and his pistol drawn... and coughing up half his blood veins.

"Who-Robin, that ain't funny. Scared me half to death." Arthur put his pistol back.

"You already are half to death. Okay I'm sorry." I hug him around his waist, coughing a small bit.

"So... no work here." I wince.

"We drove all the way down to this damn town..." Arthur started.

"Calm down calm down. You sit in the back of the wagon and you can get sleep." I say, getting ready to pack everything again.

"You have a plan?" Arthur asks.

"I always have a plan." I wink.

I didn't have a plan.


After not that long hours of driving I finally make it...
To Blackwater.
It dawned upon me I never even told Arthur where we were going. Eh, whatever.

"Arthur, I'm gonna set up the tents and go look for wo-"

"No, I'm gonna set up the damn tents and you go look for work. Right now." Arthur says while only coughing once.

"Okay, thank you. Don't overwork yourself." I straighten his bandana around his neck and then I head to my horse.

Hopping on Ace I took off down a lean pathway and eventually to a town.

"Been a long time since I been up here. I saw a hanging of my cousin down here awhile ago." I nod in approval.

I check by the gun shop to see if they need any help. Ah none. Fuck.

I check by the stables. None. Dammit.

Finally I go to the saloon. I know what Arthur said...
No actually-

THAT motherfucker in Strawberry said there was work well where the hell is it?!

I storm inside the saloon and was greeted by the smells of alcohol.

Ah reminds me of Papa.

I lean against the bar and look at the bartender very seriously.

"Sir, I need some money. And I can work in whatever you need me to do. But I'm good at serving whiskey, beer. You name it, I've served it." I say.

He studies me and looks me over.

"Never had a woman run the bar before." He scratched his chin.

"Mister, I'm beggin' ya. I need this money." I grow desperate.

"Alright alright. I needa smoke anyways. You run the bar for an hour or two and I'll pay ya based on performance." He says.

I smile brightly and quickly settle behind the counter.
Hes gone. Ha ha haaaa. My pub, bitches.


Within thirty minutes of him gone, a bar fight had happened.
It strictly said No Fighting so I guess I'm the one having to break this shit up.

Two drunk men stumbled about, one of them looking a lot shorter and had a grey beard.


I rush in as the taller man is about to swing at my old friend and I jump in front, hoping to stop him.
I like... don't know why I thought he would stop mid swing but um...
He didn't.

So I got thrown to the floor with a bunch of gasps and then three gentlemen helped me throw that man out.

I felt a strong pair of arms grab me and hold me upright.

"Robin?" A familiar voice.

"Charles!?" I smile and fling my arms around the tall Indian.

"Why the hell would take a hit for Uncle?" He laughs, hugging me back.

I hold my hands at my side and scan foe Uncle. He's already back at the bar, drunk as hell.

"John and Abigail would be so happy to see you!" Charles said.

"John?! Abigail?!" I smile.

"What the hell?!"
I turn around and see the bartender, cigarette in his mouth, as he watches half the bar leap over the counter for free drinks.

So this ended with me getting almost shoved in the mud if not for Charles.
Uncle just...
swayed back and forth trying not to throw up.

"And stay out!" The bartender hissed before walking inside.

"Are you... looking for a job?" Charles asks, putting two and two together.

"Yes." I bite my lip.

Charles studies me then snaps his fingers.

"John has a place near here. He needs some help on the farm. I bet he would let you and..." Charles waited.

"Arthur. He's fine." I smile.

(Yeah thanks to me)

"You and Arthur could pitch your tents up there." Charles finished, seeming relieved.

My smile grows.

The family's halfway back!

Okayyyyy dat was da second chapterrrrrrr

Fact about Robin:
She hates potatoes.

Cause shes a picky lil hoe.

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