Care For You

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||Omar's POV (because Omar's amazing and deserves more love)

It was almost suspicious how happy Louis and Clem had been the past few days. But if we were being totally honest, Omar didn't care much for school drama. Keeping to himself had been his speciality for the past decade and he wasn't planning on ending is ever-growing track record. But it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the on-going trend - whenever Louis and Clementine were down to tend the garden, nothing ever got done.

Omar had known it was a bad idea letting them work together but they had both promised that working together only motivated them to work harder. But every Friday, the herb bag was almost empty, leaving him with little ability to create another one of his edible masterpieces. Omar lived a simple life. And he simply wanted to cook good food.

So when he caught them, red handed, snogging on the job, he was no more angry than he was disgusted.

"So that's what you two get up to." Omar's calming voice sounded, while crossing his arms.
The two ripped apart from each other, faces reddening with the confrontation.

"O-Omar! ... My man..." Louis said with an awkward laugh. "Funny.  We were just talking about you!"

"No, you were just rubbing yourselves against my basil tree."

"Are you sure?" Omar's death stare intensified with Louis words.

"W-What he means is sorry. Won't happen again." Clem said.

"You've violated my plants." Omar's voice, still monotone, sounded.

"We've done no such thing!" Louis dramatically held his chest in response.

"And if I were to rub your precious piano with a knife?"

"You wouldn't..."

Clementines brow raised in confusion.

"What would stop me?"

The next few seconds were filled with stares shooting daggers between the two.

Clementine cleared her throat. "Um, guys I-"

"Clem!" Violet's voice called from the courtyard, "For gods sake, Clem! Where are you?"

Without sharing more than a quick glance at both Omar and Louis, Clem chased after the source of her name.

||Clem's POV

"Violet? What's wrong?" Clementine asked, finding Violet frantically pacing in the courtyard.

"Clem!" Violet quickly faced her. "Remember that guy from the woods?..."

A couple days back, Aasim was checking traps. He had ran into another a crazed, middle aged man who had been bit multiple times in the arm and, by the looks of it, he was soon to turn. He had ended up putting him out of his misery, but his last words had been hanging in his mind for the past few day: 'It's your fault we're dying. Everyone who's still alive will kill you." When he arrived back home and told everyone what happened, it sparked a new sense of fear.

"...Yes. Violet, what's going on?"

"There's more of them - in the woods. Crazy men and women all with the same three bites on their left arms. It's fucked!"

"What are you thinking?" Clementine asked anxiously.

"It's messed up..." Violet's face was full of fear. "And, I don't know, I guess we're not as safe as we think."

"Hey, Clem!" Louis voice called from behind the both of them. "What's happening. Fill me in."


"Nothing." Violet interjected. "Nothing important to you anyways. It's girl talk."

"I get it." Louis held his hands up in surrender. "No bitchin' or witchin' for poor Lou. Just find me later, okay Clem?"


"She'll find you." Violet said, practically pushing Louis away. "Now go."

Confused and slightly hurt, Louis grabbed the sides of his trench coat and walked back towards the school.

"What the fuck, Violet?"

"We can't tell anyone until he know for sure what's going on!"

"Come on. You know I have to tell Louis." Clem says, crossing her arms.

"I know you two are... close-"


"-but, you know how he gets with things like this! He panics and makes everything more difficult."

"You're kidding. You have to be kidding, right?"

"I love Louis! You know that Clem, but it's not just him. We can't tell Ruby, Aasim, Omar, Tenn - we definitely can't tell Tenn."

"So what do you want us to do, Violet?"

"We just have to see if it's just coincidence or something more."

"No. We are not keeping secrets." Clementine said, face stern.

"Look, it could be nothing -"

"You don't seem to think it's nothing!"

"Clementine, please."

"I said no. I said we're not keeping secrets."

"We both know you're just going to tell Louis and keep everyone else in the dark!"


"No, now you need to listen. Your soft spot for Louis - and his soft spot for you - is just going to put everyone in danger!" Violet said, face turning red with anger.

"It's not a soft spot." Clementine said, a similar anger in her tone.

"No, you love him, don't you? You've known each other for a month and you love each other." Violet huffed.

Clementine shook with anger, eyes piercing the blonde in front of her. Her fists clenched as her knuckles paled. She opened her mouth, ready to retort, until she saw a flash of sadness in Violets green eyes. Her head dropped to cover the tears that started to fall from them. Clementine's tensed body relaxed instantly pulling her into a hug.

"I've lost him. I've lost Lou." Violet whispered through tears. "And now I'm going to lose my home." She looked up to Clementine. "Our home."

"We'll fix this."

"We don't even know what's going on." Violet said, pulling away from Clementine's embrace.

"No, not now. But we will. With everyone's help."

Violet nodded.

"I'm gonna go find Lou." Clementine gave Violet a sad smile before turning towards the school.

"Wait, Clem." Clem turned to face Violet. "When I said I've lost Lou, I didn't mean... you didn't steal him from me." She let out a small laugh. "He was never mine. And just to be overly sappy, the only thing you've stolen is his heart.  Although my miserable self doesn't always seem to look it, I am happy for you two."

Clementine smiled at her. "I know Vi. Thank you."

"And I didn't mean what I said. About you too knowing each other only for a month. I know you both really care for each other, regardless of how long you've known each other."

"I care for you too."

||Thank you for reading!
Vi has green eyes, right? Right.
Hope you enjoyed the Violetine friendship bonding(fun fact, hated Vi after episode 1, then liked her after ep 2, disliked her after ep 3 and like her now after ep4 loool). This is the first chapter published since the final episode has been released and I'm still quaking and shaking. Spoiler alert, Louis died in my play through so I was crying before Clem even got bit. Gosh I was a mess.
Thanks for reading and see y'all next chapter?

Xoxo Jess

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