Chapter: 3 (pt: 3)

Start from the beginning

Shino: "we're fine bee. Can you see anything from up there?" She said. Be then looks around the area to then see smoke coming from somewhere near their location.

Bee: *beeep* (yea! I see some smoke coming from somewhere near here!)

Trf: "That must be where our client is. let's get to it!" He says as they run off to the location of the smoke.

Sometime later, they arrive to the location only to see destruction along with a giant crater.

Shino: "wow... whatever or whoever crash landed here is definitely big. Probably even bigger then bee in his old robot form."

Bee. *beep* *boop* (I hate to agree with you on that but by the look of it, it's definitely bigger than me- *sees what caused the crater.* it couldn't be...)

Trf: "bee? *looks to what bee is looking at and his eyes widen* no way... Grimlock!?" He says as Shino's eyes widen in surprise when she also sees the giant metallic robot in the centre of the creater.

Grimlock: "ugh... who. there?" He says before he noticed the familiar faces.

Grimlock: "Trf? Shino? Bee? What you three doing here? And why bee human now?" He says as the three skidded down the creater walls and went to his face and explained to him what has happened and how things lead up to this.

Grimlock: "ok. Me understand. But grimlock in too much pain too move. Me gonna need Trf to help me transform." He says confusing everyone.

Trf: "ok... how do I do that?"

Grimlock: "me need to scan arm to create perfect fit for you to equip me."

Trf: "Wait. You'll transform into gauntlets? But this will mean that I'll have the Ability to transform into you when my rage reaches its limit while I also have your weapons. Will your transformation be permanent?"

Grimlock: "well. Me grimlock can summon me-self as human and have me strength, but to transform to normal me, requires you."

Trf: "*sigh* there's no other way for this to end without you dying, so I will accept." He says as he puts his arm out and grimlock scans it.

Grimlock: "good. Me start transforming in a second. But Trf, something over there has come back to you." He says pointing to the trees to see two chains with engraved symbols on it. Trf's Eyes widen in shock.

Trf: "it cant be... but I thought... it doesn't matter, thank you grimlock."

Grimlock: "no problem... Transformation sequence started" He says as he begins to transform. Trf then looks at the other 2.

Trf: "you two stay here and keep an eye out. Somebody definitely might have sensed him crashing here. I'll be right back." He says as the two nod and start to survey the area and he climbs one of the creater walls. 


After a couple of minutes, Trf then returned and was looking over them at the craters edge.

Trf: "Shino! *she looks at him* how's the transformation sequence going?!"

Shino: "it's going great! It's at 75% already! It should be finished in a couple of minutes!"

Trf: "good! *sees that bee found something* what did you find bee?!"

Bee: *bom* *bwp* *peeeeb* (I found my old blasters along with reach's, don's and stark's! If we can get these back to them, we might be able to upgrade them and disguise them into something we can carry all the time.)

Trf: "that's good news bee! No-" He gets cut off as 2 purple lights appear breaking the sound barrier before crashing landing making a creater and making the three fall down on their backs as debris fly everywhere. They then get up after the debris stop and shino then looks at the creater where the 2 purple lights landed and her eyes widen in fear.

Highschool DXD x Transformers Prime (with a Oc/male reader with another oc.)Where stories live. Discover now