~Family Discussion~

678 45 57

Loki has invited Thor to chat

Thor has joined the chat

Thor) Hello, brother.

Loki) We've been over this, Thor.

Thor) Fine, if you insist.

Hello, Loki. Why have we separated this conversation from the other members of the group?

Loki) Because they were being ignorant mongrels and severely unhelpful.

Thor) Helpful? Do you need help with something? This isn't another nefarious scheme, is it?

Loki) Oh, you've caught me, I needed some big strong man to come and take my Genocide-Inator 3000 to the roof for me.

Thor) That was sarcasm.

Loki) Yes, it was.

Thor) What do you really need help with, Loki?

Loki) You don't have an unlikeable personality.

Thor) What?

Loki) You're trying to change yourself but there's no need because you're not unlikeable.

Thor) Do not take this the wrong way, Loki, but I've heard too many lies from you about important matters to take your words as fact.

Loki) You've also had my help and knowledge for centuries. You aren't dead yet, doesn't that count for anything?

Thor) You've died enough times for both of us, I think.

Loki) Alright, listen. Midgardians have a saying that someone who keeps a group together is the "glue."

Thor) Are you calling me glue?

Loki) No, Steve Rogers is the glue.

Thor) Yes, I believe you are correct. Bad things happen if he leaves.

Loki) Glue only works when you have a surface for it to attach to.

Thor) You think that I am that surface?

Loki) Yes. Everyone rides on your strength, courage, and prowess. Steve Rogers may be the one who assembles the team, but you are needed to keep the team together as well.

Thor) What does all of this have to do with my unlikeable personality?

Loki) You wouldn't be such an essential part of the team if you had an unlikeable personality.

Thor) You say that, but Anthony Stark crosses my mind.

Loki) Very true, to us. Many find him charming and hilarious.

Thor) Apparently those mean different things here on Earth.

Loki) Does it really matter what the rest of the worlds thinks your comrades think highly of you?

Thor) Well, yes, I'm royalty. I have to set a good example.

Loki) You never let that stop you in the past.

Thor) I wasn't king in the past. Technically, you are a king now, too, so you might do well to consider some of your own actions.

Loki) Dear gods

I'm getting advice from you while we have a civilized discussion

Thor) You're welcome!

Loki) Thanks, I hate it

Look, could you please just go back to being you?

Thor) High words coming from an actor, liar, and shapeshifter.

Loki) I'm me. I'm always me. You know that.

Thor) I suppose you're right.

Loki) Of course I am.

Thor) Though, perhaps you could be one of the other you's for a day, just to see the reactions from the Avengers.

Loki) Now my brother is giving me, the god of mischief, advice on trickery.

Thor) You're welcome!

Loki) I'll keep it in mind.

Thor) Very well, now what is our course of action?

Loki) Getting your caps lock button back on. Some ridiculous question asking. Atrocious song typing. Perhaps some Thor-mojis.

Thor) Oh

Loki) Oh?

Thor) Well

Loki) What?

Thor) I had the lovely technology expert of air, earth, and nature disable it from being used more than twice in a row.

Loki) You mean Agent Skye Daisy Johnson?

Thor) Yes, her.

Loki) We're doomed.


Author's Note


I love them so much, and let's all wish Tom Hiddleston a happy early birthday!

With these two mostly resolved, there are more storms brewing. Half of the chatroom is pissed or upset and the other half are bickering amongst themselves. Predictions for the next few chapters? Let me know.


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