Chapter 2

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Thankfully I lost my consciousness at some point. When I came to wake up again every single cell of mine was aching and the wolf wasn't hovering above me anymore. Instead, the beast stood beside me and whined, his muzzle anxiously nudging mine. It took me a bit to process that indeed I now seemed to have a muzzle of my own. I tried to say something but all that came out was a faint howl. Holy fuck, I was howling!

Despite the pain, I tried to move. That's when I realized something felt odd. I could feel the dirty ground not only on my legs and arms but all over. I managed to raise my head a little to confirm my suspicion and what I saw had me almost faint again. Yes, I was naked, but that wasn't the worst. My whole body was covered in red fur and what once had been my hands were now two gigantic paws. I had become a beast too!

Don't worry, everything will be fine. Our mate is here. He will protect us, someone tried to calm me. The strange voice came from within me and for some reason, I knew that I could trust it. I felt my pulse calming down, my breath becoming steadier.

I don't understand what you mean. What mate? And who are you?, I asked.

Everything will be fine, the voice repeated right before the agonizing pain returned with all his might. My bones broke again and my stomach felt like it was torn in half.

I must have blacked out again because the next thing I could remember was strong arms holding me against a warm muscled chest while I was slightly moving up and down. Someone was carrying me. I desperately tried to open my eyes but I was too weak. I was so tired. So tired ...

I lay on a bed and someone was holding my hand. I still hadn't gathered enough strength to open my eyes though.

"Is it true, Alpha? Is this human girl really our Luna?", a male voice reached my ears.

"Yes, she is my mate", another man answered. The man was close to me, probably the person that was holding my hand. "And she is not a human anymore. She is one of us now."

"You changed her? So the legends are true. Some humans can be changed ... Is she alright?"

He sounded worried.

"She survived her first full shift and her vital signs are stable. She'll pull through." He softly caressed the back of my hand with his thumb.

"My congratulations, Alpha. This is a great day for the pack!"

"Since her wolf has yet to fully settle in I'll ..."

I tried to stay awake, but I stood no chance against the darkness that approached me once again.

* * * * *

I looked into a mirror, but something seemed a little off. No, I wasn't looking into a mirror, I was looking at another me, I realized.

"I am sorry for causing you pain", the other me apologized. I knew that voice. It was the same voice I had heard back in the woods. "But our mate is calling me. Our mate needs me, and I need him."

"Who are you?", I asked again.

"You know who I am."

Yes, I knew who she was. I didn't dare to think it, but I knew I was right.

"Are you ... are you a wolf?"

The other me smiled before transforming into a big wolf with red almost foxlike fur.

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