Chapter 23

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How about we go hunting for a skunk and hide it in his office?, Lucy suggested, her eyes sparkling with excitement. To make sure it freaks out, we could wire an alarm to the door that rings out as soon as he opens the door.

Uh, I like that one!

To occupy ourselves while Caleb had obviously more important things to do than sorting things out with us, Lucy and I channeled our anger through coming up with all sorts of gruesome ideas of how we could exact vengeance on our mate – which was kind of fun, to be honest. When it came to Caleb, my wolf had always been totally biased so far and unequivocally taken his side, no matter what. But now the tide had finally turned, which I was about to mercilessly exploit.

We should also not forget the classics: scattering itchy powder over all of his clothes, exchanging his toothpaste with some disgusting shit, smearing glue on his chair …, I added.

A gleeful chuckle escaped her.

He would never know what would be in store for him next.

That will drive him insane!

He is going to desperately beg us to stop, Lucy darkly predicted, sending me an image of a tired Caleb on his knees, a devious sparkle in her eyes.

Oh, believe me, he will beg!, I promised her.

You know what? I think we are an awesome team! He will so stand no chance against us!

Not the slightest!, Lucy confidently agreed. Oh, I have another idea! We could …

That’s when Caleb returned. He looked exasperated and I had to fight the instinctive urge to run up to him and comfort him. I felt his mind softly touching mine, but Lucy wouldn’t have it and shut him out before I could even think about letting him in.

Caleb didn’t try to push further, but the frown on his features deepened.

Wow, you are really pissed, aren’t you?

I could feel my wolf baring her teeth at our mate.

Earlier when you told him about everything that happened while we were in Lucas’ pack, when you shared our memories with him, he was very keen to know how I felt about all of it. Naturally, I shared with him what my instincts told me – but he just plain out ignored it!

Her tone trembled with hurt.

As if I was some stupid, naïve child that could easily be manipulated. I am a fully grown badass she-wolf! Granted, I might have surfaced quite late in your life, but my instincts work perfectly fine, just as those of any other grown wolf in our pack!

I know, of course they are, I tried to soothe her. I had never seen her so sad before, she was seriously taking this to heart. He is just being a royal ass, don’t let it get to you!

“Look who is back. So happy you could fit us in your busy schedule, oh big mighty Alpha!”, I mocked.

My mate’s eyes turned dangerously dark, a sign that his wolf was fighting for control. The air in the cell turned unbearably heavy due to his Alpha-power stretching out, wanting to force my wolf and me into submission.

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