Chapter 32

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When I entered the royal courtroom all my nerve endings went haywire. Every Alpha who could afford to leave his pack on short notice had found his way to the Carpathian Mountains, which meant the hall was full of Alphas from all over the world. On top of that, each was accompanied by at least one of his high-ranking warriors. The last time an assembly of this scale had gathered had been seventeen years ago at the coronation of the Alpha king.
That ceiling fresco is breathtaking!
The warm voice of my mate flooded my mind, open admiration in her words.
It depicts the most important events in werewolf history, doesn’t it? How the moon goddess created the first werewolves, the great war of the species, …
No snarky comment on how this is a male-only event? Who are you and what have you done with my mate?, I teased.
figured getting my pulse up when the trial hasn’t even started might not be the best idea, but don’t let that fake calm fool you, she warned. Lucy and I are still super pissed over the fact that we are stuck here at Darrius’ house because ‚women are too squeamish for politics‛ according to you misogynistic lot.
Before Gemma, I, too, had thought women to be the weaker sex by nature, had never questioned the dominant role our kind ascribed to the males. I had silently rolled my eyes at packmates like Liam who couldn’t “control” their females, had considered them love drunken fools without a backbone. What I hadn’t understood was that in truth I had been the fool all along for believing such nonsense in the first place.
You know I would have taken you with me if I could have.
Don’t you dare play the saint!, she growled. In truth you are thankful that those stupid laws of the royal pack forbid women from partaking in trials, aren’t you?
I am, but not because I think you too sensitive or stupid, but because I care about you and don’t want others to hurt you – even if it’s only with words. Wouldn’t you wish for the same if our roles were reversed?
That I could ask such a question with confidence now was nothing short of a miracle considering the bumpy start of our relationship. But we had come a long way since then, and there was at least one thing we could and would always agree on: We wanted the other to be happy.
Doesn’t change the fact that I am not a happy bunny right now!
That makes two of us.
I do however appreciate that you offered to let me in on everything through our mind link. Are you sure it won’t distract you?
It won’t.
Then let’s do this!
As soon as I had taken my place on the low podium in the middle of the room designated for the accused, the king rose and the audience fell silent.
“I won’t bore you with a flowery welcome speech and cut straight to the point”, the king opened the trial.
An approving grumble went through the crowd.
“We have gathered here today to pass judgment on Alpha Caleb who is accused of high treason against the crown and all of werewolf kind. The charges are as follows: For years Caleb offered shelter to criminals that their pack had sentenced to death for their severe crimes. In return, those criminals had to swear their loyalty to him and become part of his personal mercenary army – an army that holds more than a hundred men by now.”
Shocked gasps and angry growls sounded all around me.
“As per custom, we start off by presenting the evidence that was gathered of the case. After the evidentiary hearing, the accused will be given the chance to defend himself.”
The first witness the king called upon to make a statement was the warrior that had found Lucas’ pack. He started his story by talking about his little sister and how he had witnessed her being brutally murdered by a Rogue.
"Imagine my shock when I found myself eye to eye with that very monster I had thought long dead", the warrior bit out, his words laced with hot fury.
I didn't need to imagine. When Thomas had first revealed himself, all I could think about was bloody revenge. I wanted to make the fucker scream, bathe myself in the pain of the other.
But you didn’t, Gemma softly reminded me. You gave Thomas a chance to explain and came to a reasonable judgment in the end, you kept your cool. This barbarian on the other hand ripped off the head of a defenseless man without batting an eye. That's not justice, that's bloodthirsty revenge.
You forget that our kind doesn’t consider Rogues as sentient beings, as equals. From a young age, we are told they are monsters, killing them an honorable deed to the pack.
A bitter misconception that opened the door for all sorts of malicious schemes, as I had previously learned.
"It tried to run, but I caught and finally ended that beast for good."
He was probably scared when he smelled his former packmate and changed out of fear, Gemma guessed. But in doing so he signed his own death warrant.
A wave of sadness washed over me, Gemma’s sadness.
You have to convince them that becoming Rogue isn't a one-way streetThis madness has to stop!

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