Author's Note

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The story behind the story

To be honest, I started "The Alpha's prey" out of a whim, despite all the thoroughly planned out stories lingering on my laptop. I was in the last phase of my job training back then and things weren't going all too well for me. I worked insane hours, was constantly stressed and felt lonely (I was away from my friends and family because I had to move to another town for the training). When I forced myself to finally take some hours off work, I decided to start a book after not having touched one in almost two weeks - something that's super rare for me. But there was no book I felt like getting into, so I turned to the internet and stumbled over a bunch of Apps like Wattpad. I quickly found a werewolve book that sounded like I would enjoy it, and I did - so much so that I got inspired to pick up the pen again and start a story myself. It felt unbelievably good to get back to writing. I almost felt the stress melting away with each second I spend writing or plotting the story, and so I soon found myself using every spare second on the bus, in my lunchbreaks or during grocery shopping thinking of my story and what was going to happen next. At first, I never thought I would ever finish the book, just playing around a little until I felt ready to tackle one of the "old" stories on my laptop. But as time went by, I got more and more invested in the story and the characters until quitting wasn't an option anymore. So now, after almost two and a half years, here we are. I finally wrote the last sentence of The Alphas prey and thus finished my first book written completely in English. It was a wild ride, but I enjoyed every second of it!

What's next?

I got much more invested in Gemma's story than I ever thought I would, and I realized I wasn't ready to leave her world just yet. I felt there was still more to tell, more to explore, so that's what I am going to do. I already finished a book on Maya's and Henry's story ("Bloodbound"), which is available on Wattpad as well. Currently, I am working on a book about Yuri and Gaby, which I am super excited for.

But since I also have a ton of other stories I can't wait to get started with, I will parallely work on another book called "Destructors II - A rebel's heart". Working on only one story, I often feel restless and constrained in my creativity, so that's the perfect solution for me.

Lastly, please keep in mind that writing is only a hobby of mine, and I have a certain standard when it comes to my texts. I work long and diligently on each chapter, and I have a fulltime job that takes up a lot of my time. I try to upload at least one chapter for each book per month, but I am not going to set a specific date for the upload.

Thanks for giving me and my book a chance! I wish you a lovely day - or depending on when you are reading this a peaceful night =D

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