Chapter 27

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My hands wandered reverently over the soft white fabric, my eyes glued to the mirror in front of me. My red hair fell in long waves over my shoulders, building a nice contrast to the crème colored dress I was wearing. With a round neck well above my breasts, puffy sleeves that went to my elbows and just the right length to cover my ankles, it was far from being daring, far from what I usually would have picked as a wedding dress. But then again what I had signed up for wasn’t exactly your typical wedding either.

“What do you think?”, Maureen asked, a slightly nervous shake in her tone.

“It’s perfect!”, I declared, flashing her a happy smile.

Contrary to my concerns the dress didn’t look stale or boring despite its rather plain design. Little perks here and there like the small skintight sleeve piece beyond the puffy part that was adorned with two beautiful antique looking golden buttons or the delicately embroidered line between bodice and skirt made it look classy, individual and modern.

“Sure? Nothing you want me to change?”

I shook my head.

“It fits me to a T and I love all the small extras you added.”

Because sometimes words just weren’t enough, I flung my arms around her neck and kissed her cheek.

“Thank you, Maureen. You must have worked endless hours on this!”

It was tradition that a mother sewed a white dress for her daughter to wear at the Fetching, the first meeting between mates in the Carpathian Mountains, and later at the official mating ceremony. The dress was supposed to symbolize the mother’s good wishes for her daughter and be an emotional support in this exciting and scary time.

“As long as you are happy, my child, it was worth every second of it”, she said, patting my back in return. “I have to admit I had some help from Neil regarding the design though. Human designs are usually much more complex than what we wolves wear.”

Even today with affordable clothing stores around every corner it was common for the women of a pack to take care of their family’s clothes themselves.

“You did an amazing job!”, I praised. “And that comes from someone who worked at the frontline of the human fashion industries for years!”

To empathize my point, I twirled around in delight, my dress swinging around my feed.

“It really is ...”

“… gorgeous”, a husky male voice rumbled from the door.

“Hey! The broom isn’t supposed to see the dress until the wedding! It’s bad luck!”

A dark chuckle before I was pressed against a muscular chest, two arms around my shoulders keeping me in place.

“Says who?” Caleb teasingly nipped at my ear. “I am your mate, I have the right to see you whenever it pleases me.”

Blunt as usual. Openly showing their feelings and desires came natural to wolves, especially to the males. They were highly emotional creatures.

“It’s a human thing”, I explained.

Our eyes met in the mirror, his dark green, almost black, mine a vivid jade in comparison.

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