Chapter 31

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“I am so, so sorry!"
You only had one chance to make a first impression, and boy did I screw up! Threw up, to be more precise – right in front of our host’s door. As soon as I had stepped out of that carriage, I just couldn't help myself anymore.
Our hostess silently handed me a cup of steaming hot tea. She was a slender Asian woman, her midnight black hair pinned up and hidden under a cap, her lavish green gown of a similar pattern as mine. Her mate was an athletic-looking giant with sun-kissed skin and shoulder-lenght dark blonde hair. He sat opposite Caleb and me at the couple’s kitchen table.
"Drink up. It's an old family recipe. That stuff works miracles", the warrior encouraged me.
I was pleasantly surprised that he addressed me directly instead of talking to my mate. This was the royal pack after all and women traditionally viewed as inferior to men – both physically and mentally.
My stomach churned and I suspiciously eyed the content of the cup. It didn't smell bad, on the contrary, but the mere thought of eating or drinking made the bile rose again.
"Uhm ... I am not so sure if that is such a good idea ...", I confessed.
"You'll feel better afterwards, I promise", he kept pushing.
Sighing, I took a careful sip. The tea was unsweetened and I could taste different herbs. I liked it, and surprisingly my stomach didn't revolt. Nobody said anything while I slowly emptied my cup – at least not out loud.
I should have insisted on a break!, Caleb scolded himself. I inwardly rolled my eyes at him.
Don't be ridiculous! I let my pride get the best of me instead of listening to my body. That's my fault and mine alone.
Is the tea helping?
A little.
You already got some color back in your cheeks, he observed. That's a good sign.
What are you not telling us?, Lucy suddenly joined the conversation. Caleb’s hand that was tenderly massaging my shoulder went stiff.
Ever since we’ve arrived, you eye our host with suspicion. You know him, don’t you?
He didn’t deny the accusation. Sometimes having wolf senses could come in quite handy.
Spill it, I clipped, not in the mood to play mind games.
You already know the king wanted to make an example out of me and our pack a couple of years ago, Caleb obediently let me in on his thoughts.
… and failed because the Council warned you, I added.
Yes, he failed to make an example out of me, he emphasized. But as you might imaginethat didn’t sit well with our dear kingWhen things didn’t turn out as plannedhe decided to target another Alpha.
Wait, are you saying …? But how …?
Alphas were born, it was in their blood to lead and protect their pack until their age made it hard for them to fulfill their duties – in which case the next generation took over, usually a son of the former Alpha. This was by no means an easy transition, and the former Alpha never fully let go of his responsibilities. He supported his successor in every way possible until the day he died. Just like the souls of two mates were tied together by fate, an Alpha’s soul was tied to his pack. To cut this tie by force … It was an atrocity beyond words.
If an Alpha is found guilty of a severe crime and no wolf within the pack is able to take on his rolethe king will order the pack to be dismembered, Caleb explained. Usuallyno Alpha would agree with such a sanctionof courseHe would rebel against the orders of the king and thus be sentenced to life in the royal prison or executionIn the case of Darriushoweverthe king decided to make him one of his warriors instead.

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