Chapter 26

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When I woke up the next morning, I found myself alone in bed.

Good morning, sleepyhead.

Why didn’t you wake me?

I wasn’t a morning person at all. It usually took me a good hour and at least one strong coffee until I could start being productive. Good thing I was lucky enough to have a mate that loved spoiling me with self-made breakfasts – and that had made it a habit to kiss me awake before getting up to start his day. All this pampering had started to make early mornings almost bearable for me, so I had quickly gotten used to it. The downside was I had somewhat gotten too used to it and if only one aspect of this Gemma-wake-up-spoiling-program was missing, I was back to my bitchy self in the blink on an eye.

Suddenly I saw myself trough Caleb’s eyes as he watched me sleep. I was laying on the side, face in his direction, eyes closed, and a blissful expression on my face. He leaned forward to brush a soft kiss on my cheek before tenderly whispering my name.

I didn’t react at all.

He lovingly stroked the side of my head, calling my name again, a little louder this time.

Still no response on my part.

Caleb put a hand on my shoulder and gave it a light shake.

“Gemma, time to get up!”

I answered with an unladylike snort of disapproval and simply turned away without opening my eyes.

I tried, he dryly responded. But it seemed like you were in need of more rest, so I decided to let you sleep a little longer.

I don’t like to wake up without you.

An intimate confession I wouldn’t have been able to make mere weeks ago. Before Caleb, I had never trusted anyone enough to openly show my vulnerable side, but he had somehow managed to break down these walls I had build around my heart. Yet instead of being terrified by the fact that I had gotten so dependent on a man, I felt lighter than I ever had before, because I knew without a doubt Caleb felt the same way about me.

Then hurry and get down here. Coffee is almost ready.

Stretching my arms over my head I let out a deep sigh, knowing we had another busy day ahead of us. I reluctantly got out of bed, threw my favorite cardigan on, and rushed down the stairs.

“Uah … You can even do it with two, that’s so cool! – Oh, good morning, Luna Gemma!”

Unexpectedly Caleb wasn’t alone in the kitchen. A cheerful Gaby stood at his side, watching with big curious eyes how he skillfully flipped pancakes by swinging the frying pan.

“Good morning.”

I awkwardly stopped a few feet away from them. Usually, I would have walked up to my mate to hug him, but with another person close by, a young child at that, it felt strange showing physical intimacy so open. Of course, Caleb didn’t have such qualms. He calmly put the pan down, wrapped his arms around me to pull me closer and planted a kiss on my cheek. Then he released me, a dashing grin on his lips. I just stood there flabbergasted, unable to move.

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