Chapter 16

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Our stay at the mermaid coven worked out as planned. We discussed the last details of the resettlement that would take place in half a year and both sides were pleased with the results we agreed on. Before returning to our pack we had another mission to fulfill though, which was quite common so an ambassador wouldn’t have to leave his home that often. Our second assignment, however, was a very special one for me: We were invited to the wedding of the ambassador of the vampires of New York. My attendance was mandatory since it was a rare opportunity to mingle with a whole bunch of my new colleagues. When Neil had informed me about my first missions, I had been more than surprised to learn about this.

“New York? We are going to New York? Does Caleb … does he know?”

“Do you think he’d ever let you go anywhere without his knowledge?”

“And he is okay with it?”

My mentor shrugged.

“Sure, why wouldn’t he be?”

I blinked in surprise. Wasn’t it obvious?

“Because it’s where I lived before … you know … werewolves and stuff.”


“Isn’t he afraid I’ll have doubts again and want to stay? You know we had a huge argument about this just a few days ago!”

“Having doubts is one thing, truly acting on them something entirely different”, Neil argued. “Chris has doubts as well, and he joined the pack almost thirty years ago. Do I fear he’ll ever want us to stay in Spain withhis family when we visit? – Not a second!”

Still, I had decided to better let sleeping dogs lie and not bring that topic up on purpose with Caleb. After all, New York wasn’t only the city I had called home the last couple of years. To me, it meant so much more.

From our suite at the Ritz-Carlton that the ambassador of the vampires had organized for us we had an awesome view over Central Park. We had just arrived about an hour ago and after taking a shower I had settled myself on a cushioned windowsill, taking in the beautiful lookout and taking a walk down memory lane.

Moving to New York at twenty-one had been a gamechanger for me. Together with some good friends, I had arranged everything in a cloak-and-dagger operation while my mother had had another one of her addiction-clinic-stays since she would have never agreed to it. I revoked the rights my mother had over my bank accounts, started to work with a professional agent and bought my first own apartment. In short: I finally freed myself from her poisonous, selfish clutches and started taking my life into my own hands. Needless to say, she was furious when she found out and tried to guilt-trip me back to her side. After all, she was the only family I had, and she shamelessly exploited that fact, but I pulled through and gave her the cold shoulder.

To me, New York became synonym to home, a home I chose myself, surrounded by people who cared about me, and free of the dark shadow my mother had cast over me all my childhood and teenage years. I felt like a phoenix risen from his ashes, mighty and powerful, like nothing was impossible for me thanks to this magical city. I loved New York, loved coming home from working abroad and roaming the bustling streets again, inhaling all the intoxicating smells lingering in the air that promised endless opportunities and amazing food. I loved being invited to fancy celebrity par-ties, loved that people started to perceive me for myself and not just as the daughter of Steve Cortega, and I loved how this city seemed to constantly make me smile. My job led me to the most stunning places, yet leaving New York permanently for one of them never once crossed my mind. It was where I wanted to grow old – until two months ago a huge black werewolf waltzed into my life and turned everything upside down.

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