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December's POV.

"Ugh I hate it here!" I yelled as I threw my backpack against the wall.

"Don't you dare walk away from me when I'm talking to you young lady!"

I rolled my eyes as I continued my way to my room hearing Diana's footsteps close behind.

I can't believe this! Demi's going back on tour this week and she apparently told Diana that she wants to "make a mends with me, and work things out." So I've just been told that I have no say in anything and I'm being forced to go with her.

"Just leave me alone! I hate you!" I slammed my door shut before bouncing down on the bed.

It's like I can never catch a break around here. God, how many times does she expect me to "work shit out" with her. I'm so sick of doing the same shit with her. One minute she hates me and I'm the scum of the earth. Then the next she's all about mending our relationship and wanting my forgiveness.

Well you know what, I say she sticks her fake ass apology up her big a-

"Cember please open the door." I heard Dallas knock . "Please.."

I closed my eyes and sighed slowly sliding from He bed. I walked to the door putting my ear to it.

"Is it only you dally?"

"Yes babe of course."  Sighing deeply I opened the door sure enough to see Dallas standing there.

I stepped back letting her enter my room.

"What's going on with you cember? Mom and Demi told me to come and check on you."

Crossing my arms to my chest I fell into her arms. "I don't want to be forced to go on this dumb tour with Demi!"

"Wait- what?"

I nodded. "Yes, Diana is forcing me to go."

She gave me a look and turned away. "But I don't wanna go with her dally, please don't make me go!"

I heard her sigh as she wrapped her arms around me.

"You know I'll try my best baby, but I really can't make any promises that it'll work."

I don't know why but I laughed. "Yeah I know."

Dallas looked at me for a second kind of studying my face. "December, it's going to be ok."

"You don't know that Dallas."

"I do-"

"Look, if you don't mind I'd really like to be alone right now."

I wasn't meaning to come off as rude but I'm pissed and I know she's right. Usually she can come to my rescue and save me, but this time around I'm not to sure she can.

She looked at me with sad eyes but stood up from my bed. Before walking out she grabbed my face and placed a small kiss on my forehead.

"I love you Cember."

"I love you too dally."

She smiled down at me letting my face go and left my room.


"I really really miss you." Bea's very energetic voice rang through my ears as I sat on my bed. After dally left one of the things on my mind was what had been going on at school. Being blindsided by this crap today almost made me forget to talk to her about it.

I have to let her know what Maddison had done to me. I'm so confused and I do think that Bea probably has some idea as to why Maddison did what she did.

"Bea. We need to talk." I spoke getting straight to the point.

"Uh oh, what's up?"

Taking a deep breath I told her everything that has happened to me at school. I told her every lie that was being said and everything thing that Madison had said to me.

"She did what?!"

I sighed deeply running my fingers through my hair. "Yeah, there were pictures all around the school of me. She started a rumor that I stole you from her."

"Oh god. Not this bullshit again December."

I sat there quietly listening to her talk. "I hope you don't believe this, she's done this before."

Rolling my eyes and nodding " I honestly don't know what to believe at this point Bea. Like why would this keep happening?"

I'm now starting to think that just maybe there is some truth to what Madison has been saying lately. Maybe they do have something going on behind my back. I mean she hates my guts so I really wouldn't put it past her.

"I don't know December. But-maybe she just needs someone to talk to. She's obviously not being herself."

Oh, she's being herself alright.

I scoffed at her excuses. "Ok, but why would she make up something like that, if she doesn't have feelings for you Bea."

"I don't know babe. But I'm telling you what I know. And that is that I have not given her any reasons to believe that we ever had anything other than a friendship."

I had to trust what Bea was saying, I really had no reason not to. But it was getting strange that Maddison would continue to say things like this.

But I'll try and let it go for now.

"Well anyway, you should know that I may be coming on tour with you guys."

"Oh my god for real babe?"

I nodded. "Yeah but honestly not by choice."


"Yeah, I'm being forced into spending time with Demi."

"Maybe that'll do you guy's relationship some good ya know."

"Doubt it very much but oh well not like I can change anything."

"I can't wait to see you December." I smiled hearing her say that. "I can't wait to see you and to hug you. I can't wait to kiss you and to hold you..."

"Awww babe, you're so sweet. I know, I can't wait to see you either."

After hanging up with Bea, I laid in my bed sulking in the cool darkness. My sulking was rudely interrupted but a small knocking sound coming front outside.

"What the heck." I whispered to myself I stared at the window but slowly laid back down until I heard something hit the window.

I groaned loudly throwing my covers from off my body stomping over to the window.

"What in the actual fuck are you- Alex?" I stopped ranting when I saw the tall, brown haired boy standing there with rocks in his hands.

"Hey." He smiled up at me

I don't know why but I quickly looked around me as if someone would hear me. "What are you doing?!"

He shrugged holding his arms out to me. "Come down!"

"Shhhhh!" I said quickly. "Do you want my family to hear you?"

"Aww come on babe, come down let's go have some fun!"

I know I'll be in a shit ton of trouble but so what.

Don't I deserve to have some fun before being shipped off to the deeper parts of hell.

"Fine, I'll be down in a sec."



Hi guysssss so I know I haven't been updating but hopefully I'll be able to a lot more!😌

-December Lovato(Demi Lovato f.f)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz