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"Oh my gosh Bea stop it!"

"What, stop what babe?" I rolled my eyes as I continued to roll over in my bed away from her.

Everyone had went out and we were the only ones home right now. And for some reason Bea just couldn't keep her hands off of me. But it's been like this since we got back together, so I really don't mind it.

"Babe." I whispered as she rolled over on top of me.

"Yes?" She whispered back. I just stared up at her with my hands finding their way up to her face. She stared back at me with a certain look in her eyes.

"You are so beautiful December." I bet my lip and shook my head.

"Not as beautiful as you Beatrice." I said causing her to blush and groan.



"You know what I said about calling me that." I shrugged and grabbed her face.

"Well I love it." She smiled before slowly crashing her lips into mine.

"I love you."

"I love you too Bea."

She gave me a big smile before shaking her head and sighing. I tried my best to read her but I just couldn't.

"Bea, what's the matter?" I mean she was just in a good mood and now all of a sudden she's sad about something.

"It's just-do you think that we're going to make it?" I grabbed her hand and sighed.

"Do you want us to make it Bea?" She frowned up at me as if what I had just asked was the most craziest question ever.

"What?! Of course I do December! What kinda-"

"Bea, please." She sighed and slowly nodded.

"Yes of course I do." I have her a small smile and nodded.

"Well then how could we possibly fail, with both of us wanting something so strongly. Just as long as we both continue to put our all into each other, and talk things out. Because communication is key,we'll be just fine." Bea looked up at me with a huge smile on her now reddened face.

"I love you so much December, you have no idea." She said while shaking her head. "I mean, you're my whole world. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you in it. I'm never messing up again, do you hear me December. I promise you from this day on, you'll never have to question my loyalty to you. We can take things as slow as you want, I wouldn't blame you for wanting that. Just let me know and I'll be sure to put 110% into my part." She ranted while staring me dead in the eyes making me tear up.

I was completely lost for words right now. "I-I love you Bea. We'll make things work."


Later that night..

Bea and I decided to go out for some fresh air since we had been literally stuck in the house all day.  So we went for a small walk in the park.

It was so nice and quiet. Just what I needed.

"So you know I'm starting school next week."

"Oh really, I thought you started a while back."

"Nah I was supposed to but with everything going on, I just decided to wait on it." She nodded as she swung our hands back and forth.

"That's really good babe, I'm glad you get to finish out your last year and all."

I smiled at the thought. "Yeah me too, then when you start your tour, I could spend more time with you."

"Ohh yeah I love the thought of that." She said dreamingly making me laugh and push her a bit.

"I bet you do." Once our laughter had came to a stop she looked a little nervous. Kinda like she had something to say.

"So how are you and Demi?" She asked slowly and I shrugged

"Well you know things are basically the same, if not worse."

She nodded. "You know I hate that this has to be like this. I mean if I would've known y'all had a relationship like, this strained I would've never took ok the offer to go on tour with her."

"What, no Bea, this is your dream. And I'm glad you took it."

"I know but, it probably felt like I was choosing time over you. And that's not how I ever want you to feel." I shrugged and looked down at our hands.

Of course I felt that way. But it was only because I know how Demi and Madison can be. I mean look where that got us, but I don't need her thinking that it's all her fault.

"What happened wasn't all your fault Bea. We would've been passed everything and not even been broken up if I would've just let you explain everything."

"Well I'm glad that's all in the past now."

I nodded slowly and smiled up at her. "Yes so am I. But promise me something Bea."

She looked at me concerned and nodded "Of course, what is it?"

"That we'll never go back to a place like that."

"I promise baby."



Hello guys! I'm so sorry for the wait in this small filler chapter.. but here it is😁and I'm working on more..

SoooOooOOOOoo do you guys think December is jumping back into things with Bea to fast???😰💔And she's starting school soon.. what could go wrong there🧐 is Bea really all she says she is??

Let me know what you all think about it💭💓

Sorry for any mistakes🤮

-December Lovato(Demi Lovato f.f)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt