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-soooo this was supposed to be published last week, but then I started second guessing everything and I ended up writing a WHOLE second chapter. I think I have this book right where I want it now so enjoy😚


Please don't hate me for this....😣

"Ummm mind telling me exactly where you're taking me?" I mumbled as Alex and I drove around the now dark streets.

We've been gone for at least 2 hours just riding around. My phone has zero calls or text from my so called family. I'm guessing they haven't even realized that I'd left.

He glanced over at me before looking back to the road. "It's a friend of mines house. I promise you'll love it."

I nodded. "Ok, I guess I trust you."

He chuckled and I watched as he slowly reached over grabbing my hand in his.

Some may say I'm dumb for coming along with him or that I'm in the wrong. Maybe I am. But I have to do something to take my mind away from all the bullshit I've been going through lately.

"So, why did you just disappear on me?"

"Remember I told you I had a situation."

He chuckled and nodded. "Yes I do remember. But that never really answered my question."

I cleared my throat awkwardly taking my hand from his. Bea was flowing through my mind and I know I have to stop whatever this may be turning into.

"My girlfriend didn't like me talking to you."

"Woah, your girlfriend?"


The thought of Bea made me smile, I'm pissed that I have to go on this tour with Demi and my demon sister. But on the up side I am excited to be able to spend this time with Bea, seeing as though we haven't been able to do much of that lately.

"Oh. That's cool I guess, never knew you went that way."

I cut my eye at him. "Is that a problem?"

He chuckled again as he glanced over at me quickly. "Not at all, just-surprised is all."

"Mmm." I mumbled under my breath

For some reason this has become the most awkward ride of my life.

"So I'm guessing since you're here with me that you're no longer with this girl?"

I wanted to laugh so bad but I did my best to hold it in. What would make him say such a thing.

"We're still together. Just felt like I needed a break from everything, you came right on time."

"Right." He nodded "Well don't worry , I've got the perfect thing to take your mind off of whatever it is you're going through."

"Lord I sure hope so..."


"Wooooo look who finally showed up!"

Walking into the large house, seeing all the flashing lights and hearing the loud music ringing in my ears. The smell of weed and alcohol hit me quick and hard.

The loud noise and the amount of people surrounding us immediately made me feel uncomfortable. I guess Alex noticed because he pulled me closer to his side.

"Yeah, yeah what's up dickheads." Alex nodded as he shook hands with two boys and the girl.

"Who's this?" I heard one of them ask causing all eyes to be on me.

-December Lovato(Demi Lovato f.f)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu