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As Dallas and I walked into the house it was scary quiet. Like usually you could hear the sound of the tv. Or someone talking loudly. But it was completely silent.

I shrugged before looking up at Dallas. "Well I have to go baby, but I'll see you tomorrow ok."

I pouted up at her not wanting her to go home. She's the only one who loves me, and I feel so lonely when she's not here.

"Dally, please don't go. I want you to stay here."

She sighed as she bent over rubbing my face. "Aww baby don't be sad, ok. I wish I could stay but I have some things to handle. But I promise you I'll be here bright and early in the morning to get you."

"B-but why can I just go with you?"

"I wish it was that easy babe. I do. But you know as well as i do that I can't just take you from here."

I bit down on my bottom lip looking down at my feet. Dallas reaches under my chin slowly making me look up at her.

"I'm working on things baby. So hopefully sometime soon you'll be all mine." She spoke as she looked me right in my eyes.

I nodded putting on my best smile. "I know." I threw my small arms around her waist. "I can't wait u til you do."

"Soon baby, it'll be soon." She smiled at me and I nodded hugging myself closer to her. She placed kisses on my head before pulling back.

"I love you cember babe. You make sure to call me whenever you need me. It's never too early or too late."

"I will. I love you dally."

We walked hand in hand to the door and I hugged her one last time like it was gonna be the last time I saw her. I really hate for her to leave me here alone. But I know she has things she has to take care of.

"See you in the morning baby."

I smiled slightly. "See you in the morning dally."

I closed the door behind her. I made my way o to the kitchen to grab me a bottle of water.

Walking upstairs I could hear some yelling. I think it was coming from down the hall, in Maddison's room.

I slowly creeped down the hall trying not to be heard by anyone in the house. When I got to her door I knocked softly.

"What?" I heard her yell before I opened the door barely sticking my head in.

"I'm hey-w-what's going on, are you ok? I heard yelling."

"Nothing. Everything is just fine."

"Are you sure-" I was cut off by a flying shoe coming my way. I quickly dodged it.

"I said nothing December! God get the hell out of my room!"

"Maddison." I spoke slowly walking up to her bed. "I-i um know we don't really get along, but you're still my sister. I care about you."

Her eyes darted my way and I could feel my heart drop. I'm kinda afraid of how she's going to react.

"You are not my sister! And you don't know the half of my problems! All you do is walk around like your perfect! With the perfect hair, and the perfect body! You have the perfect relationship! Why, why can't I ever have anything to myself!"

I frowned at her before slightly backing up. "Perfect? You think my life is perfect?" I stared at her not even understanding what she was talking about.

I can't even believe she said those things to me. I don't understand her problems! I'm perfect?! Like where in the hell has she been.

"You don't know the half of my life Maddison! I go through hell on a daily, I've been abused and raped! My sister hates me for some unknown reason, my grandmother hates me and my own mother hates me! My own mother Maddison! So if you think I have anything perfect you're dead wrong!"

"Oh please December! I'm so tired of you and your pity parties!" She yelled looking down at me and I rolled my eyes. "Nothing has happened to you that you haven't deserved!"

I froze staring at her. Why does she hate me so much, what have I ever did to her to make her treat me this way. So many memories, bad memories began to take over my thoughts.

I sniffed back my tears as I turned away from her. The last thing I wanted was for her to see me break down.

"I'd trade you lives any day." That was the last thing I said to her before leaving the room and quickly making my way to my own.

I just can't wait for the morning, so I can see my Dally. She'll take this pain away. She always does.



Hi guys!😁 I've really been working on chapters to update but Wattpad has not been working for me at all.

I'm just happy I can FINALLY update again😇💜and I know this isn't the longest chapter but I have so much more coming....

Things are about to happen...just stay with me and pls don't hate me😭😭

Sorry for any mistakes😘

-December Lovato(Demi Lovato f.f)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant