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Helllo guys😁 so before you read I just want to let you all know that I've just published a new Demi Lovato fanfic...it's based off a true story, and I hope you all enjoy it.❤️❤️


December's POV.

I just don't understand why she won't leave me alone and take a hint already. I've already started to realize that maybe she just didn't want to be with me anymore, maybe I wasn't making her happy. Honestly it's not like I don't still love her,because I do and I'd be lying if I said any different.

I'm just still so hurt over the thought of her with my sister. It figures that Madison would do something like this to me. We've never gotten along and she's always had something against me.

"December I need to talk to you, so get down here please!" I heard the voice of my "mother" yell up from downstairs.

I sighed and slowly got out of my bed.

Dreading it with every step I took. Just to have this little talk with her, because it's really no telling what it is even about.

"Yeah?" I said once I finally made it down the stairs.

She turned to look at me but didn't say a word. Just by the look on her face I can tell she was upset about something that I did or didn't do right.

"What is it that you need?" I asked starting to feel impatient.

"Listen, I just got a call from Maddie and she told me that you broke Bea's heart. Is that true?"

As soon as I heard those words come out her mouth my eyes almost popped out of my head. Why would she think that or better yet why would Madison tell her something like that.

"What! Why would you believe that it was my fault!?"

"Because you're my daughter and I know you." She said while pointing her finger at me.

"Do you really?" I asked sarcastically, because honestly she knows nothing about me. She barely knows my name.

"You know nothing about me! And you never cared to know!" I was getting so sick of her and her accusations all the damn time. I had to do something and soon.

"I know enough to know that you're always pushing people that care for you away! I mean you should have been grateful that she even liked you or wanted you at all! I mean it's not like you were actually good enough to be with her anyway!!"

I let the tears start the boil in my eyes. Just hearing how my own "mother" even thought that I wasn't good enough for bea just hurt me even more.

I sniffed back my tears and nodded my head slowly. "You know what Diana, for the very first time I actually believe that you're right." I spoke up while looking at her as she smiled at me. I shook my head and looked down as I continued to talk.

"For the first time I realize..just how much of a shit mother you actually are! How much I don't want to be here anymore! How much I hate your ass! You know what, I wish that I could just run away so that I won't ever have to see you again!"

Before she could say anything else I heard the front door slam and Dallas walked in.

"Hey! What's going on here?" She asked with a huge frown on her face as she looked at Diana then back at me.

"Why don't you ask your mother what's going on." I said as I made my way back up to my room. I don't know what I'm gonna do, but I do know that I just can't stay here for much longer.

It's really starting to get to me. Not being treated fairly or equally. I never even feel like I'm part of the family. The only one in this family that really even cares for me is Dallas.

I sighed as I sat back with my head on my headboard as I got in my phone to distract myself from my crazy thoughts. My door then slowly opened up causing me to turn my attention to it.

Dallas shot me a quick smile before she walked over to me.

She cleared her throat before she started to talk."Ummm cember babygirl, I honestly don't know what to say."

"Well I do. She doesn't love me Dallas. And that's fine because she never has." Dallas looked at me like I was crazy and shook her head.

"Would you stop talking like that. Momma does love you baby, she's just-"

"She's just what huh?" I asked as I interrupted her. "She's just an evil, bitter, heartless woman! You didn't hear what she said to me down there. And that proves to me just how much she cares about me."

Dallas just shook her head in disapproval. "Look cember, I understand what your going through. But I know for a fact that momma loves you, your her child to no matter what." She spoke lowly as she started to run her hands through my tangled hair.

"You're right Dallas, but what about how she treats you, or Demi hell even Madison! She loves you guys a whole lot more then she does me, and there's honestly nothing you can say to make me to think any different."

I ran my hands over my face as my body fell into her lap.

"Maybe it's because I'm not her actual child you know. Even Demi doesn't want anything to do with me and she's my real mother." I shrugged as I felt Dallas continue to rub up and down my back.

"Everything's gonna be just fine baby, I promise."

I laughed and nodded. "Remind me again Dally why you can't just take me away from here." I whispered as she laid down on the bed beside me.

She sighed as she looked down at me. "I wish that I could baby, I really do." She whispered back into my ear before I finally dozed off.



I FINALLY updated guys😭😁

I know it's been a while but I'm trying to set up the rest of the story exactly how I want it to  go...but I'm hoping you all enjoyed this update.😌

Also sorry for any mistakes..😊

-December Lovato(Demi Lovato f.f)Where stories live. Discover now