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Recap: I then heard the door open behind me my smile quickly wiped off my face.

'Time to face reality' I thought and sighed.


"You guys just wouldn't understand!!" I yelled back at them.

"No December. You don't understand you are very ungrateful, we were all worried sick about you but you don't seem to care!" My mom yelled.

"Ungrateful really? And you don't seem to care that much because every since I walked through that door all you've done was scram and yell at me! Not once did you ask me was I ok."

"I can't take this no more, I'm so done with you 'mom' and this whole entire fucking family!! You guys don't give a shit about me so why should I give a shit about you!" I said pointing at all of them, I heard laughing and I automatically knew were it came from because the sound of it made me sick.

"And what is so funny Madison? Huh?" I said while pushing my hair out of my face.

"Nothing much it's just you seem to always have to act so over dramatic all the time. Like god! I bet you whatever happened to you at school was your fault, you most likely deserved it!" I just growled while listening to her talk my ribs began to hurt like hell and she's lucky for that. But I had a feeling she wasn't done.

"Ok that's enough mads." I heard Demi say, I guess she could tell that I was really getting upset.

"No no it's not Demi, she needs to realize this!" She yelled while stepping closer to me " I bet you didn't even get raped, as a matter a fact I bet you begged for it! But being the liar, and bitch that you are you lied about it for attention, just like you lied about everything else!" She said with a smirk.

"Madison de la garza that is enough!!" Eddie yelled while trying to pull her back away from me.

As I heard her bring those horrible things up I just couldn't control my anger. I was above boiling point right now. I walked up to her with my fist bald up but when I took a swing at her I felt someone grab me by my waist and I quickly stopped fighting.

"Ouch let go of me it hurts!" But whoever it was continued to take me upstairs to my room.

"Do you not understand the words stop!" I said turning around to meet a face I thought I wouldn't see, the last face I expected anyway... Demi.

"I'm sorry cember I wasn't trying to hurt-" before she could even finish I cut her off.

"No. Don't call me that only Dallas and Bea gets to call me that." How dare she try and call me that she has no right. And for some reason I'm so comfortable to let Bea call me that as soon as I met her but I already know we're going to be close.

"Ok fine but now we're going to talk wether you like it or not." Demi said sternly looking at me and sitting on the bed beside me.

I just sighed and shrugged my shoulders "fine whatever."

"First whatever it was that Maddie was talking about downstairs, and about you... You know being raped what's that all about?" She asked trying not to bring anything up.

I just looked over at her like she was stupid "and what would make you think that I would ever tell you something personal like that?! You don't even like me, the only person that was willing to let me explain and listen to me at the time was Dallas and its always Dallas!" I yelled.

I could tell what I had said hurt Demi but I didn't care. She couldn't think that she could just come here and all of a sudden pretend to care about what happened to me because my bitchy little "sister" yelled something out.

"Look I know that I haven't been there for you in the past but you have to believe me when I say that I'm sorry and I want to be there for you. I do December because your my little sister and you mean a lot to me." She said with tears in her eyes and I really didn't want to believe her I tried so hard.

I just burst out in tears "Demi it was horrible, h-he made me I didn't want to but he made me and it hurt a lot." I said while trying to catch my breath. Demi shook her head rapidly and pulled me into her arms, at first I froze but then I felt the comfort that I was used to as a kid and I realized that I really missed this with her.

"Why didn't you tell anyone sweetie? Anyone? Mom?, dad?, me?, Dallas?, we could have done something."

"But I did and no one was there for me! Not mom, dad or you! Just Dallas, she's the only one that believed me! And that's why I love her so much." I said getting myself out of her arms.

"But I did miss you too Demi." I said looking down

She looked over at me quickly with a smile "I missed you as well baby and I am sorry about everything, I promise things will change and I will be talking to Madison about her behavior."

"Oh don't worry about her she's just not going to change, and it's alright Demi I forgive you." I said with a small smile.



Hello everyone! So I hope you guys liked the chapter, I know it was boring but the next chapter will hopefully be better and will not take as long for me to write.

And how about that December and Demi made up😊 finally! Yay!! Hopefully it stays😳,but Madison is not my favorite right now😡.

As always tell me what you think, and vote! Thanks!!💭


-December Lovato(Demi Lovato f.f)Where stories live. Discover now