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-hope you all enjoy.. Also sorry about any mistakes.


"No. You know what maybe I should have just done what I was going to do and took her away from here to live with me! Because honestly I'm really sick of all this."

"You can't do that!"

"You want to bet! She's mine. My daughter, and I can take her anywhere I want!"

My eyes nearly popped out of my head. And I just couldn't stop myself.

"I'm your what?"


They both froze at the sound of my voice. Dallas turned and put on a smile. "December. baby, w-what all did you hear?" She asked while trying to move closer to me but I only stepped further back.

I shook my head with anger. "Please. Dallas, don't play dumb with me!I heard every fucking thing you two were down here talking about!" I whipped the tears that silently escaped down my face away. By now everyone had slowly started to make their way back downstairs to were we where looking confused.

"Hey what's going on down here?" Eddie asked as him and mom stood beside us. I just stood there not saying a thing while looking at Demi and Dallas in front of me.

"Nothing December just doesn't understand really what's going on." Demi lied while shrugging her shoulders and I looked up at her and then looked around.

"How could you all do this to me. J-just lie like it was nothing."

"What is she talking about Dallas? Demi?" Mom said while pointing at them.

"I'm talking about you not telling me that your not my real mother and that She is!" I yelled just letting all of my anger out at once. They all just looked at me, I watched as Bea tried to come closer to me, but I moved away from her and ran out the door. Not bothering to turn back at the sound of my name being called.

I can't believe that's all lie to me.

Demi's POV

We just stood there as December ran out the door. Except for Dallas who tried to run after and stop her. I sighed and looked down until I heard the front door slam shut. When I raised up I seen Dallas standing there with a frown on her face.

"Are you happy now! Once again Demi, you've managed to mess everything up! And hurt her, like always!" I rolled my eyes at how overdramatic she could be sometimes.

"Ok you two don't start. Now you've both done more than enough. This is not about either of you it's about December and right now she's out there by herself, alone and hurting over something you caused." Dad said while looking at both me and Dallas I just looked down and watched as Maddie and Bea walked away upstairs I guess to her room and Dallas walked to the door.

"Well I'm going out to find December. Because I care about her and she doesn't need to be out by herself right now. I know she needs me." I frowned and walked up to her.

"Look Dallas, she's my daughter and I care about her too, more ways than you know. But it's not my fault that she decided to eavesdrop on the conversation we were having. And I know she's hurting but I can't help that I'm her mother!"

"Whatever Demi, whatever." She said and made her way out the door.

Dallas's POV

I refused to stand there and just listen to anymore of Demi's lies I just had to get out of there. Plus I have to go and find December. I couldn't just sit there while she was out somewhere by herself all alone, and feeling like this.

Even though it would seem like Demi would be wanting to come along with me seeing how December just found out that she's her mother. But it's fine because I don't need her I've got this all under control.

I just want December to know how much I love her, and that I didn't want to lie to her but I had know choice. I really want to tell her everything because I don't want her to hate me.

I love her as if she was my own.

Demi never deserved her. She never treated her the way she should've been treated. Ever since she was brought into this world I knew she was meant to be mine.

December's POV

I sat there alone with my feet hanging over the water. I sighed as I wiped away more of my tears that ran down my cheeks, I just sat there letting my thoughts take over my mind.

Sometimes I wish I  as just born to a different family, that way none of this would be happening.

"Why, why does my life have to be so complicated?" I asked myself as I stared down at the water. I just sat enjoying the peace and quiet that I hadn't had in a long time until I heard a door slam and a person call my name.

"December!" I sighed knowing that it could only be Dallas because she was the only one that I showed this place to. "December, come on I know your here."

I sniffed and turned around to see her jogging toward me.

"Why are you here?" I asked before she could even say anything. She sighed and looked down at me as she took a seat beside me. Neither of us soon for a minute, we just sat and listened to the sounds of the water. Until she finally spoke up.

"Look December, I know that your upset with me. And believe me you have a right to. But I want you to know that I didn't want to lie to you, ok. I wanted to tell you but it just wasn't my place to. You know I hate to see you hurt like you are now, and I don't want you to be mad at me." I looked up at her listening to every word she had said.

"I love you Dallas." I said not wanting to cry again but the tears fell anyway.

She grabbed me in her arms and smiled. "I love you too December baby. I really, really do."


A/N so I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!

Let me know what you thought about it☁️ and what you think should happen..

Luv you all💕


-December Lovato(Demi Lovato f.f)Where stories live. Discover now