"So I will always know the time? That's not bad."

I would usually have a class with Amber and Ali. The bell was bout to go for the second last period to end. I shouldn't wait. I need to get home to see Natalie and John.

I walk past the school slowly. Wondering if Ali had a class where she has to walk out to get to the building. I really hoped so. The bell rings signifying 2:45pm. I continue my slow walk glancing back towards the one building that isn't connected to the rest of the school. I watch and see Ali's blonde hair glow in the sunlight. She was walking with Amber and Lilly.

They were a striking group. Ali with her long blonde hair, tan skin and blue eyes. Amber with her short ivory brown hair and chocolate eyes. Lilly and her caramel coloured hair going to her waist in a ponytail and her amber eyes, like her name.

I was once part of them. Having lighter brown hair and yellowish eyes. Now they're more orange.

I watch them explode into laughter. A feel a pit in my stomach. I was disappointed they didn't see me but happy they were happy. I would ruin all of that. Coming back. They would have gotten used to me not being there. Maybe a pit in their stomach like I had.

But they would have been able to move forwards through the pain by leaning on each other.

I shouldn't have come back. I'm going to give them false hope. I can't stay long. There is no coverage for me to shift. The woods is too far to be going at night.

'You need to be somewhere safe. You might not like it, but you have to be safe.' Emerald says

"I know I do but it doesn't make me like it."

I hadn't realised I stopped until someone pointed to me. It made the group of girls I was staring at turn and face me. I quickly spun and walked away hoping they wouldn't see me. I wanted to be in and out. I don't want to stay long and endanger them.

I hurriedly walked away and through the shops noticing a sign or two about a missing girl and to keep your eyes open to see I you could find her. Above that was my school photo. I cringe, why my school photo? Nat and John had so many better ones.

I keep on walking until I see the familiar paddock that is right behind my house. I keep walking and see the tree in the backyard. The wire fence circling the house that is now in view.

I thought it would be a couple of years until I came back. I see the whitewashed walls that seem so dull after the pack house. The faded blue shutters on the windows and the white window sills. Right in the middle was a blooming cherry blossom tree. Painted on to curl around my upstairs window.

I remember the day we painted outside my room. Nat and her skilled sketching, John with the painting up high. You could tell they painted the higher parts and I painted the lower. The skill difference is amazing. Admittedly I was 13 and no artist by any means.

I walk around the house so I see the front. The porch seemed so welcoming with the egg chair in the corner for me, the two armchairs next to each other and a coffee table with John's dirty cups on.

The wooden stairs creaked under my feet as I walked up. I put my hand on the glass door and open it. The cool air washes over me. I didn't really get hot or cold anymore. Vampires are known to be cold and wolves know to be hot. Reyna and Aurora compromise to keep me warm or cool when needed.

"John, is that you?" Nat's voice asks from the kitchen. My eyes begin tearing. I never go to say my proper goodbye.

The kitchen was hidden from view, behind a blue nib wall. I could hear her put down the utensil she was using and walk over to the door.

The Girl Who ChangesWhere stories live. Discover now