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"But since I don't really know what you like to do, I want the first project to be your pick."She leaned against her desk and crossed her arms. "Do whatever you want. Water color, acrylic, sculpture, digital art, you name it."

Kids began to murmur around the class, discussing about what they wanted to do.

"I might do sketching. What about you?" Renjun had somewhat of an idea on what he wanted to do.

"I dunno. Maybe water color. But I always do that so I might try something else. Something I've never done."

"Isn't it best to stay safe for this first project?" He was confused as to why you would wanna do something never done before. It was pretty risky and so he didn't see why it would be a good thing to do. His fingers tapped on the table, waiting for your answer.

Ms.Park had been just walking around, listening to each student's conversations and listening to their ideas. She neared your table when she heard your conversation.

"What's the point if you don't try?"

"I mean I guess but is it worth the risk."

"Hell yeah. I'm gonna do something really weird. Oh! Like stippling." Your smile never came off of your face. Renjun realized why Chenle likes you.

Your attitude was a magnet for people who needed something special in their lives. It was a calling for Renjun. He could tell why his friend was so attracted to you. It wasn't the make up or the cool hair color you had. Yes, they were a factor to the reason but it wasn't all of the reason. It was the brightness you radiated.

Chenle, you really struck lucky this time around.


"Wah! I'm so tired." You said while stretching. You could feel your arms and back cracking from the stiffness. Slouching in your seat was really having an affect on your body.

"I don't wanna go to practice today." Chenle sighed. The back of his head was resting on the palms of his hands as he was sprawled out on the bleachers. He looked up at the ceiling as you sat next to his head on the bleachers. Your last period class ended early so you dipped and went to the gym with Chenle.

"I'm only gonna stay here cuz Ten is my ride." You sighed while looking up at the ceiling. His head was right next to your thigh and you felt some of his stray blond locks tickle your thigh.

Chenle looked away from you and frowned. Just the fact that you needed to leave with Ten somehow pissed Chenle off.


He was irked about it and yet he had no idea why. Why was he mad? He didn't really have a right to be mad. It's not like he was dating you or was in a relationship with you.

"What about Jaehyun?" He asked you, attempting at changing the topic.

You sighed and looked up at the ceiling. You noticed the sunlight seeping in through the giant windows at the top of the walls. The bright light was a contrast from their used to be cloudy and dark clouds from this morning. It almost seemed as if nothing happened this morning.

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