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Jungkook: "Did he....hurt you?"
You looked at him faster than the speed of light,
and he looked angry
Very angry..

'Okay seriously, what the fish is wrong with this guy? Is he bipolar or something' You thought, as you tried to free your hand from his grip, but you suddenly heard an angry yell from behind.
'Oh god this is going to be bad'

You thought, as you closed your eyes and sighed
Taehyung: "What do you think you're doing with her, huh?"
He was irritated, damn.

Y/N: "Taeh-
Taehyung: "Shut up"
He said calmly looking at Jungkook, but still there was a tint of anger in his voice.
Jungkook: "Hey! Who are you to tell her to shut up?"

You looked at the both of them, glaring at each other, piercing eyes full of irritation and anger piercing their way into one another.
Taehyung: "YOU DARE T-

'Pick me pick me pick me up'
Your phone suddenly rang.
'Thank you, whoever it is, I love you'
Jungkook and Taehyung both stared at you intensely as you freed your hand from Jungkook's grip and took your phone out of your pocket.

Y/N: "Oh, it's mom"
You said, looking at the caller ID.

You moved a bit far from Taehyung and Jungkook to tell your mom about the situation.

Mom: "Hello, Y/N? How is the shopping going on with Jung cook?"

Y/N: "Jungkook mom, it's Jungkook" You whisper-yelled, cautious of not letting Jungkook nor Taehyung hear.
Mom: "Okay okay"

Y/N: "Mom, Taehyung is with me right now, I'm giving him my phone, okay?"
Mom: "Oh, how did you meet him?"

Y/N: "Mom, that doesn't matter right now, okay?"
Mom: "Then, what does?"
Y/N: "I'll pass my phone to Taehyung, and I need you to tell him to come home, okay?

Mom: "You need to explain why"
Y/N: "Mom listen, please. It's a very sensitive situation right now, i'll explain every single thing when I come back home"
Your mom just hummed in response as you quickly passed your phone to Taehyung.
Taehyung: "What?"
He asked, slightly shrugging.
Y/N: "I dont know, mom wants to talk to you"
Taehyung: "You must've told her something you little-
Y/N: "Taehyung, you know what happens when you make mom wait"

Taehyung's eyes widened as he nodded his head and immediately put the phone next to his hear.
Taehyung: "Yes, hello mom?"
Taehyung's and your mom's conversation continued as

Taehyung's eyes stayed fixed on Jungkook, his eyebrows furrowing for some moments, but then they landed on their place soon, while Jungkook stared back at Taehyung with his eyebrow raised, folded arms, and foot tapping on the ground every now and then.

Taehyung sighed one last time as he hung up the phone and moved towards you to whisper something in your ear.
Taehyung: "I need to go home, mom is calling me, and I prefer you not to stay with this prick"

You chuckled a bit as you nodded in response.
Taehyung looked at Jungkook and then at you afterwards, saying;
Taehyung: "I'm very dissapointed in you for making a friend like this, Y/N"

He said, as he walked out of the store, Jungkook's gaze piercing into him.

Taehyung simply ignored him as he stood in the elevator, waving at you.

You waved back at him as Jungkook turned his head to you, poking the insides of his cheeks with his tongue.
You looked back at him with a raised eyebrow, shrugging.
Y/N: "Hm?"
Jungkook: "Hm? That's all you've got to say?"

Y/N: "What else am I supposed to say?"
Jungkook: "Who was tha-
??: "Excuse me, ma'am and sir, I request you to leave the store"

Jungkook snapped his head at the counter guy.
Jungkook: "And why should we?"
Y/N: "Jungkook, don't be rude"

Our Weird Chemistry; Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now