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??: "Y/N...I missed you"
Your breathing became uneven as tears started to stain your cheek.
Y/N: "Taeh-Taehyung" You said as you wiped the tears off of your face and Taehyung quickly embraced you into his arms.

By now, you both were crying in the store, with your face in Taehyung's chest and Taehyung's head resting on your head.

Everybody diverted their gaze towards you both, sending weird looks, but you couldn't give a shit.

Taehyung finally let loose as you looked at him, somone you so longed to see.
You started to hit his chest playfully, tears of joy and happiness streaming down your eyes.
Y/N: "Why-

You stopped to swallow the lump in your throat, and then once again, started to talk.
Y/N: "Why didn't you tell any-anyone?"

Taehyung: "I told mom and dad, but asked them to keep it a secret from you. Remember, we used to come to this store every now and then?"

You just nodded. You couldn't say anything, all of this seemed very unreal.
Y/N: "We used to come every now and then, but re-remember when we first came here we didn't have money, but then dad star-started his business and earned so much s-so we could buy things fro-from here"
Taehyung was standing infront of you, after almost 2 years.
His voice had gotten deeper, but his cute face didn't have any change.
He was still the same, the Gucci boy.
Taehyung: "I came here to buy you a gift, but you see, such a coincidence"

You calmed down and your breathing eventually became even.
Y/N: "What about the hat, then? And the picture?"

Taehyung: "Oh, don't ask. It's very embarassing"

Y/N: "You're saying that as if you didn't do way more embarassing things"

Taehyung: "Do you still remember....?"

Y/N: "Pft, yes I remember you 'accidentally' spilling the hot tea over the teacher you hated the most"
Taehyung: "You don't remember half of the part, though"

Y/N: "Hah! Who do you think you're messing with? You got detention for 2 hours, plus got grounded for 2 weeks"
Taehyung: "I guess you do remember my most embarassing moments"

Y/N: "You're telling me about the hat and the picture, then?"

Taehyung nodded, as he scratched the back of his neck and told you that he took your picture because he missed you a lot, and he wasn't going to meet you till the next morning, and he didn't turn the flash off, and about the hat....
Taehyung: "And I wore the hat because I'm so handsome"

Y/N: "......."

Taehyung: "You know, I'm so handsome, I thought if I didn't wear anything to cover me, girl's would start to follow me"
You slapped his face slightly and chuckled at him through your tears.
He noticed you were still crying so he brought his hand up to your face to wipe off the tears.
Taehyung: "Come on, stop crying now. You look ugly"

You immediately stopped crying and instead of getting angry, you laughed at his statement.
You really missed his teasing.
Y/N: "Aish, Taehyung I missed you"
You said as he nonetheless embraced you in his arms once again, patting your head.
Jungkook P.O.V
I finally finished eating as I payed for my meal and some food I got packed for Y/N.
That free loader didn't even give me anything and I still got food packed for her, I'm such a sweet guy, just like a prince!
I brushed my hair back, but I literally froze on my spot when I saw a guy embracing Y/N..
And she was crying?

Who the f-
Wait, isn''t he the guy from Y/N's wallpaper? I remember him but I don't remember what relation he has with Y/N... I'm impressed at my memory but it's not time for that Jungkook.
Should I hide behind a corner and see what they're doing?
Yeah, Jungkook, your mind works so well, what a good idea.
I took a last glance at the cringey sight which was happening in front of me, and it took me everything not to go and punch the guy in the jaw who was embracing Y/N.
Jungkook: "Okay, time for some sneak peek"
I said to myself as I tiptoed my way behind a corner.
Jungkook P.O.V end

Taehyung: "Are we to stay in this position forever"
You broke the hug as you looked at him, smiling.
Y/N: "Should we go home?"

Taehyung tilted his head as he furrowed his eyebrows.
Taehyung: "Oh? I thought you came with someone?"
And that's when it hit you..
Jungkook.. Of course...

Y/N: "Oh yeah.. I came here with a friend, but we can go home toge-
Taehyung: "Male friend or female friend?" He cut you off.
Y/N: "Taehyung, I'm grown up now" You whined, he was just as overprotective as before.
Taehyung: "Male or female?"
You thought for a second but then you were like 'Meh, what's the worst that can possibly happen?'
Y/N: "Male"
Taehyung gasped as he looked at you with wide eyes and then shouted.
Taehyung: "MALE?"

Jungkook P.O.V
Yes, I did plan on 'sneak peeking' on Y/N and that guy, but duh, distractions..
I looked to the side as I saw my favourite game's poster displayed in one of the gaming stores..
Pft, you can resist this Jungkook..
I looked over at Y/n and that guy again and they were having their sentimental session that I didn't really care about. At least I knew it wasn't Y/N's boyfriend or something... or maybe he was.

I looked at them with wide eyes but then again,
Meh, you can never assume.
My eyes once again landed on the poster of my favourite game.
My eyes looked at the poster and then at Y/N, and they were going back and forth on what to choose.

Jungkook: "Frick this Sherlock session, I'm going" I whispered to myself as I started to make my way towards the gaming store.
My eyes sparkled at the sight of the poster.
'Woah, this is beaut-
??: "MALE?"
My eyes quickly landed on the scene where the guy who was once embracing Y/N was standing away from her with his mouth covered with his hand and Y/N was seeing him with indignation.
Jungkook: "Dafuq?"
And once again I couldn't make my way towards the store.
I just hurriedly walked towards Y/N, a bit worried and more annoyed.
Jungkook P.O.V end

Taehyung stood far from you as he placed a hand over his mouth...

'He really...made such a big deal out of it?'
You thought, as you apologized to people who were glaring at you.
??: "Sorry ma'am, but I would request you to please leave the store"
The store's attendant came and boi, you couldn't be more embarassed.
Y/N: "I'm sorry, it's just this dumbhead is a bit psycho. I'll leave immediately, sorry for the disturbance"

You bowed to the attendant as he slowly made his way back to the counter.
Before I could make my way to Taehyung, I felt a hand grab my wrist.
I turned around, and

Y/N: "What the hell?" I said looking at Jungkook's hand which was holding my wrist.
You looked at him but he was looking at Taehyung.
Jungkook: "Did he... hurt you?"
You looked at him faster than the speed of light and he looked angry..
Very angry..

Our Weird Chemistry; Jeon JungkookWhere stories live. Discover now