46...The Hano Clan

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Kisara stood across from the enraged Layla, fire emitting from her body. Karui, Winter, and The Kill Squad stayed back as Kisara had asked them too. Kîn stayed back as Layla had wished, focusing on keeping her barrier up and maintaining the illusion she created.
"Tristin and the others on the other side of the barrier still can't see us due to Kîn's illusion, and it seems they're already in combat over there with the enemies. Shouldn't we focus on taking down Kîn?" Karui asked.
"I don't think that's a good idea" said Winter. "We don't want to get in the way of Kisara and Layla's battle. Besides, to be able to keep that barrier up as well as an illusion, Kîn has incredible Power Energy. She more than likely has enough to create five clones to take out the five of us. We should conserve the rest of the Power Energy we do have."
"Winter is right" Kaila said. "Its the smartest thing to do. We have to trust Kisara to take down Layla here. After that, Kîn will most likely flee. I feel she's no good on her own in this situation."
"Um, excuse me, but you don't want to underestimate Kîn. Not even the slightest bit." Karui interrupted.
"Are you rivaling the mind of General Kaila Gage? You need to watch your mouth, girl." Lacey said angrily.
"Relax, I didn't mean it that way" Karui said. "I went against Kîn before when I was in the hospital. If it wasn't for Tristin and my mother that day, I would've most likely died. She was that strong. Clearly she still is now. All I'm saying is we should keep an open mind that Kîn could put up just as much of a fight as Layla is."
The girls sat quiet, putting all their hope into Kisara to at least get Layla out of the way. But with Layla transformed into this new form, Kisara will have to work extremely hard to take her down. Kisara and Layla stared at each other intently.
"Layla Velencé. Flame Runner of the Fire Type, coming all the way from Brazil. I remember you from the tournament" Kisara said. "You fought that girl from here in Japan, Haruhi. Killed her almost instantly with a single kick to the neck. Your leg power is mighty for sure."
"And I remember your match as well, Kisara of the Hano Clan. You went up against Yoru Adame. You have little to no confidence in yourself, and you hesitate to kill. A problem I never struggled with" Layla snapped back. "I hear that there are four clans in Japan that are noted to be the strongest. The Hano Clan. The Shiryoku Clan. The Tanaka Clan. And the nearly untraceable Dorahatō Clan. Seems they've all fell off the face of the earth. However, you belong to the Hano Clan. A clan of tremendous brain power and telekinetic ability. Your match with Yoru was a success. But don't think I didn't notice how weak minded and hesitant you actually are."
Kisara swallowed hard. Her hands began to shake and tremble as her legs did.
"Oh no. She's doubting herself." Said Karui
"But she'll pull it together right?" Azula asked.
Karui hesitated.
"I could only hope so. The sooner she does the better" she responded. "I was there during her match against Yoru Adame too. It was the first match of the tournament. Kisara possesses incredible abilities. Though, she doubts herself tremendously. To take on Layla, especially in that new powered up form, Kisara needs to shake those doubts. Otherwise, Layla will kill her."
Everyone became tense. Kaila inhaled and exhaled deeply.
"The Hano girl is weak minded. Layla will have fun killing her" Kîn thought to herself. "Though, I am a bit jealous. I would've loved to kill the brat myself. Oh well. I'll just focus on keep the barrier going, along with continuously keeping the illusion going as well. I'm not even near half empty on Power Energy."
"Kisara! Get it together!" Kaila shouted.
"Don't let your doubts and fears overshadow how strong of a warrior you really are!" Karui followed.
Kisara's hands and legs stopped trembling as she inhaled and exhaled. She closed her eyes for a brief moment.

*Hyō Village, Japan, Hano Clan District, Spring 2007*

The spring breeze carried through the Hano Clan District. The Hano Clan District is where all Hano Clan members reside in Hyō Village. A neighborhood of sort. Inside of the main dojo were two young kids. Sparring with dreams to become future warriors.
"Now, Kisara! Strike him!" Yelled a man's voice.
"Kuroro! Defend, quickly!" Yelled another man's voice.
A young girl with curly crimson red hair to the middle of her back charged at her opponent, yelling out a battle cry. Her opponent was a young boy who also had crimson red hair, tied in a spiky ponytail. The young girl named Kisara had drew her fist back, ready to strike the young boy named Kuroro. Though, Kuroro quickly put a stop to Kisara. Kisara had been covered in blue aura energy and lifted off of the ground. She was then tossed away at incredible velocity.
"This is over!" Yelled a man's voice.
Kisara was caught by a man in midair.
"Desist, Kuroro!" Yelled the other man, as he walked up next to him.
The man that had caught Kisara gently put her down. The two walked up and stared at Kuroro and the other man across from them.
"Kisara did well. Although, her technique is a bit sloppy, Koshi." Said the man next to Kuroro.
Kisara's hands and legs began to tremble.
"Father, I-"
"Quiet, Kisara" interrupted the man next to her known as Koshi. "I don't need the advice from you, Kouichi. Kisara will only become better with training. Keep in mind that she is only seven years old. As Kuroro is as well."
"Age is nothing but a number, brother. Especially for us" Kouichi responded. "Besides, Kuroro has already mastered Telekinetic Embodiment and he is one year younger than Kisara. Kisara has yet to master that. One of the Hano Clan's signature abilities is telekinesis."
"I suggest you silence yourself now, Kouichi. You don't hear me pointing out the flaws in your son, do you? Show some respect, Kisara is still your niece." Koshi reaponded.
Kouichi smiled and chortled a bit. Kisara looked down at the floor, feeling completely defeated.
"Hey, Kisara? I think you did amazing." Kuroro said with a smile.
"You do?" Kisara said, looking back up with a smirk. "You're so much stronger than I am. Thank you, Kuroro."
"You're right brother, Kisara is my niece. But coming from family, I'll be the first to be honest with you" Kouichi said. "Kisara is your eldest daughter of course. However, I know that she will never be strong enough for the rest of the clan to respect."
Koshi scowled at his brother.
"Just what are you getting at?!" He shouted at Kouichi.
"What I'm saying is that out of all of the younger Hano Clan kids, Kisara is the weakest" Kouichi said. "Your second daughter has even already gotten further with her telekinesis than Kisara has, and she's five. Please, allow me to take Kisara under my wing. Train her and take her in as my own. She can grow to be as strong as Kuroro."
"Not happening" Koshi quickly said. "Absolutely non negotiable. Kisara is my responsibility to take care of and to train. Even if Kasumi is ahead of her, I will NOT give up on my daughter."
Kouichi became slightly irritated by his big brother's words. Still, he respected them and let it go.
"Kisara. Kasumi. Let's go. Sparring is done for the day." Said Koshi.
A smaller girl with straight shoulder length red hair ran over to Koshi and Kisara.
"You did good big sis" She said to Kisara. "Uncle Kouichi is just a meanie sometimes. You gave it your best. If you'd like, I can teach you how to use your telekinesis."
"Thanks, Kasumi." Kisara responded, looking down at the ground.
Koshi and his two daughters left the Hano Dojo and went walking around the district. Everyone in The Hano District looked alike. Crimson red hair, fair skin, and orange eyes. Everyone wore kimono's and robes of different colors. However, all were accented with The Hano Clan symbol. After about 30 minutes of walking around the district, the three were interrupted by a Hano Clan woman.
"Koshi. Elder Hano would like to speak with you." She said.
Koshi became a bit tense. With a nod of his head, Koshi made his way to the Elder Hano's residence with his daughters. When he arrived, he stood before a group of other Hano Clan members. All standing around Elder Hano as he sat in his rocking chair.
"You wanted to speak with me, Elder Hano?" Koshi asked, wearily looking at the others.
Kisara and Kasumi hid behind their father's legs, peeking out slowly.
"Ahh yes, Koshi" Elder Hano responded.
Elder Hano looked like everyone else in the Hano Clan, just seventy years older, and treated with higher regards and respect. He led the Hano Clan, and has led it since he was in his twenties.
"I've asked you to be here because the council has brought something to my attention that I would like to address." Elder Hano said.
"The council?" Koshi asked wearily.
"Yes. We have brought to Elder Hano's attention that your two daughters are at different skill levels." Said one of the women in the council.
"And what does that mean? Of course they are. Kisara and Kasumi are sisters, not cloned copies. They'll learn at their own paces and in their own ways." Koshi responded.
"Absolutely" said a man in council. "However, Kisara is your eldest. Kasumi has seemed to surpass her."
Kisara and Kasumi grabbed each other's hands and continued to look from behind their father's legs.
"I don't think I understand what you all are getting at exactly. No disrespect. But, my daughters are MY daughters. That is all." Koshi responded firmly.
"A slick tone results in a swift end. Mind your tongue!" Said another man in council.
"Enough" said Elder Hano. "Koshi. You are one of the strongest Hano Clan members. I've watched you and your brother, Kouichi grow from children to men with outstanding skill. So that is why it is a shame that your eldest is being surpassed by her kid sister. So with the council, I have decided that Kisara and Kasumi have a test."
"A test? Of what kind?" Koshi asked.
Elder Hano ordered a man from council to grab something. When he returned, he placed a golden statue on the floor.
"I recognize that statue" Said Koshi.
"As you should. This is our clan's statue" Elder Hano said. "The Hano Clan symbol forged into an 80 pound golden statue. Kisara and Kasumi will both use Telekinetic Embodiment to lift the statue. The first to do so is in no predicament. The one who fails, however...will be exiled from the clan at once."
"Exiled?! Elder Hano, you mustn't!" Koshi exclaimed.
"Silence, Koshi" Elder Hano said. "This must be done. We must keep The Hano Clan strong. Weaklings won't be tolerated."
"Elder Hano is right" said another woman in council. "Our Clan is noted to be the strongest in all of Japan along with our cousin clan, The Shiryoku Clan. The new generation of our clan is the children. Kisara is the only child in the entire clan who can not use her Telekinesis. You know that Telekinesis and Mind Target Techniques are our essential uses of combat."
"Correct. However, we also are strong for harnessing our Power Energy as a weapon and attack method. Turning our Power Energy into aura, being able to forge weapons of combat out of it, create shields, and even immobilize opponents with it" Said Koshi with a stern look. "Kisara may not be one hundred percent with her Telekinesis, but she is amazing with everything else that a Hano is supposed to be!"
"My mind has been made" Elder Hano interrupted. "Kisara. Kasumi. Please, step forward."
Kisara and Kasumi hesitated, still hiding behind Koshi's legs.
"Come on out you two. Elder Hano's orders." Koshi said with a grimace.
Kisara and Kasumi slowly stepped out, holding hands and walking up. The two sisters were nervous, but Kisara's hands and legs were shaking.
"We have to be brave, big sister." Kasumi said.
"I want the both of you to try and lift that statue. The one with the strongest telekinetic power will overpower the other's weak telekinetic power and lift the statue" Elder Hano said. "You two may begin."
The council stared intently. Kisara looked behind her at her father who had a mix of expressions on his face. When she turned back around she noticed Kasumi had already covered the 80 pound statue in her blue telekinetic aura.
"Wait, I wasn't ready!" Kisara said in frantic.
She immediately began trying to lift the statue with her telekinesis as well. Both girls had their index and middle fingers up to their temple, focusing and straining to overpower each other's telekinesis. Everyone watched without moving a muscle or saying a single word. Koshi felt like he could cry, but that wouldn't be tolerated in by the council. It wouldn't even be tolerated by Elder Hano. Kisara began to cry, becoming frustrated and scared.
"I can't do it!" She shouted.
"Kisara" whispered Kasumi, straining in her voice. "Go ahead."
Kasumi signaled Kisara to put her all into lifting the statue, and that she had lessened her hold on it for Kisara to be successful in doing so.
"Kasumi..I..I can't." Kisara whispered back.
Kasumi ignored her bug sister and began to act very tired.
"The younger one is weakening!" Said a man from council.
"Yes, I see that" said Elder Hano. "To my surprise, Kisara seems to be overpowering Kasumi."
Within seconds, Kasumi dropped to her knees. Kisara had won. Everyone in the room had became tense, including Koshi.
"Kasumi lost? How could that be?" Asked a man in council.
Elder Hano looked at the two girls intently. Kisara had released her telekinesis on the statue, allowing it to be placed on the ground. Koshi walked up and lifted Kasumi from the ground who seemed to be unconscious.
"Koshi. You know the rules" said a council woman. "You must take Kasumi out of the district. She will no longer live amongst us. Take her wherever in the village you may, just make sure that she never returns here to The Hano District."
Kisara wiped blood from her nose and hugged her father.
"Deception!" Elder Hano shouted.
He quickly stood from his seat and with one hand placed on his head, he motioned the other hand at Kasumi. Suddenly, Kasumi began to scream in anguish. Koshi held her tight with tears in his eyes.
"Elder Hano, please! Stop this attack! Kasumi won't be able to live! She's too young to withstand the Brain Destruction!" He pleaded.
Kisara hid behind her father's legs, watching Kasumi squirm and scream while in his arms still. Elder Hano finally stopped the mental attack and Kasumi was unconscious for sure this time.
"That child covered up for the other one" Elder Hano said. "Kisara's nose bled. A Hano's nose only bleeds after such struggles with their own telekinetic ability. Besides, I could tell that Kasumi pretended to be unconscious. Therefore, Kasumi is the true victor despite her efforts to throw the challenge and allow her sister to win."
Koshi squeezed Kasumi tightly as Kisara tightly held on to him.
"This only means one thing" said a council man. "Kisara must leave the district instead. Immediately."
Tears streamed from Kisara's face ad her breathing became rushed as of she struggled for air. Later that day, Koshi and his daughters returned to their home, packing all of Kisara's things as Kasumi rested in her bed.
"I'm a true disappointment to our clan, father" Kisara said. "I don't even deserve to be here anymore. I tried so hard...I guess I'm just not strong enough."
Koshi looked at his daughter with tears in his eyes. Though, his response wasn't what Kisara expected.
"This is my fault. All my fault" Koshi said. "You struggled with your telekinesis your entire life thus far. Kasumi never has. I was too accepting of your weak natures. I should've been more hard on you, its obviously what you needed."
"What? Father, you think I'm weak too?" Kisara asked, voice shaky.
Without responding to her, Koshi got up to answer the knock at the door. When he opened it, standing there was his brother.
"What is it, Kouichi?" Koshi asked.
"Brother. I have heard about what took place earlier" Kouichi said. "The council are on their way to be sure that Kisara is out of the district. I came here in hopes to arrive before they do. Please, let me take Kisara and hide her at my home. From there, I'll raise her and train her as my own."
Kisara stood from the floor and walked behind her father, hiding as usual.
"You'll be in trouble if you did that, Uncle Kouichi." Kisara said.
"Fine." Said Koshi with a sharp tone.
Kisara's eyes grew wide.
"But..father, I-"
"Quiet, Kisara. You must go" Koshi said. "This is the only way to ensure you are not homeless and become stronger all in the same process. Kouichi won't be as nice and withdrawn with you as I am. You'll go with him at once."
Koshi placed one hand on Kisara's back, gently pushing her towards Kouichi. Koshi handed Kouichi a sack full of things that belonged to Kisara.
"Take care of my eldest. I'm counting on you Kouichi." Koshi said.
Shaking his brother's hand, Kouichi nodded his head.
"With every fiber in my body, brother." He responded.
Without any further words, Kouichi grabbed Kisara's hand and ran off.

*Returning back to the current storyline*

Kisara reminisced about so much. She had realized she told this story out loud. Everyone had heard it. She opened her eyes and her look of doubt changed into determination. Layla stared at her with a smirk on her face.
"You ready now little girl?" She asked.
"I was ripped away from my father and little sister at a young age. Casted out by my own clan because I was weak. Scared of everything" Kisara said. "At the tournament, that was my first time seeing my father in ten years. He was in the crowd watching me, and we hadn't said a word to each other. However, I knew he was proud of me. Even though I was nervous and doubtful in myself then. However, that is no more."
Layla chuckled a bit.
"You think I care about your life story? I could care less!"
"No more doubting myself. No more hiding. No more being afraid" Kisara said. "I'm stronger now. I am Kisara Hano. Daughter of Koshi Hano, and niece and student of the late Kouichi Hano. I will not be defeated here by you, Layla. Let us engage. Your opponent is me now!"
"Atta girl, Kisara." Kaila said.
"Way to to, Kisara! You tell her!" Azula shouted.
Lacey and Karui smiled, feeling more confident in Kisara. Winter watched intently, not saying a word. Kîn stood back watching.
"Layla will kill you in seconds. Going toe to toe with Layla while she's in the form of the Flame Maiden is futile." She said out loud with a smirk.
"I'm glad you know her strengths" Kisara said. "However, you both do not know mine. I shall show them to you. No one is too strong for me!"
"I've had enough of talking! Suit yourself, you asked for it!" Layla shouted.
Without any further words, Layla quickly dashed at Kisara, leaving fire scorching where she took off at. Now ready and confident, Kisara focused and prepared for her first move...

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