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The gang had arrived in Japan. Swans flew across the dusk sky, quacking and flying in v-formation.
"Wow...look at the pretty swans." Luisa said watching them fly over her.
They were in a garden full of dandelions with not a person in sight.
"Just what are we supposed to do now? We don't know our way around here." Tristin said.
Jared looked around for a sign of any person. Maxi began barking at something in the distance.
"What is it, boy?" Jared asked.
Maxi ran quickly and Jared followed.
"Wait! You two get back here!" Tristin yelled running behind them, along with Luisa and Alisa.
The gang ran for about five minutes before Maxi had stopped leading them. Jared stood next to Maxi who sat down proudly next to him.
"Good boy!" Jared said petting him.
"Just what the hell do you think you're...woah..." Tristin said in shock
Beautiful buildings made of marble and granite surrounded them. Cherry blossoms gently blew in the soft wind. Children ran around kicking a ball back and forth. Townspeople went into various markets and talked amongst eachother.
"This is beautiful! I've never seen cherry blossoms before! Only when I watch Anime!" Luisa said.
"Unfortunately there's no time for sight seeing" Said Tristin. "We have to find King Tskune so we can go to Mount Hakuchō to speak with Hanzo, Natsu and Mai."
"Well since he's the king of this place it shouldn't be hard to find him. Let's ask around." Said Alisa.
An middle aged man sat on what seemed like a well. He wore a straw hat and a button up shirt. His shorts were pleated and he wore matching straw sandals.
"Hi, my name is Tristin Dorahatō. I come from the United States. We're here for the Deathmatch  Tournament. Can you tell us where we can find King Tskune please?"
The man stood from the well.
"You kids strong?" He asked.
"Excuse me, sir. But what does that have to do with King Tskune?" Luisa asked.
The guy tore his shirt off, revealing muscles and vivid veins in the muscles.
"You all are outsiders. I haven't had a fight in ages! Fight me, and I'll tell you how to get to King Tskune."
"Dude, are you crazy?" Luisa asked.
The old man rushed at Luisa which caused her to immediately scream. Now is my chance!
Jared jumped in front of the old man and delivered a thrusting upward kick with his foot covered in a flame, hitting him directly in the chin. The old man went stumbling back, losing balance. Ha, gotcha. Tristin stood beside Jared.
"What the hell was that? How did you know to channel fire to your limbs? Dad didn't teach you that..."
"That technique is called Fire Control" Alisa interrupted. "Fire Control allows any Fire Type to light any body part of theirs on fire for an effective attack. Jared's inner fire has started to ignite."
"His inner fire?" Luisa asked. Jared ran at the old man and began striking him with punches, but the man dodged them. In the midst of this, Alisa gave Luisa an info card.
The Inner Fire Of A Fire Type - Fire Type Warriors have a natural flame that surrounds their heart. Once a sense of protectiveness or anger comes over them, this fire burns bright and their fire abilities become unleashed. A skilled Fire Type Warrior can channel this freely and doesn't need to feel emotion to activate it.
Jared ducked a punch from the old man.
"I got you now!" He yelled.
Jared popped up striking upward in an uppercut. The man grabbed Jared by the wrist and proceeded to deliver a single punch to Jared's stomach. Jared felt his eyes begin to water and let out a huge gasp.
"Oh no!" Cried Luisa.
The old man was still holding Jared's hand with one hand. He then punched Jared in the face, sending Jared flying out of his grasp and hitting the ground hard. Tristin pulled rock from the earth beneath him and formed it into a large spherical rock. He rolled it along the ground at top speed. The old man put both of his hands out in front of him to stop the boulder. His feet skid across the ground as the boulder is pushing him back.
"You think a mere boulder can stop me!?" The old man shouted.
Finally his strength was able to overpower the boulder. He lifted the boulder and launched it at Tristin and the others.
"What the hell! How did he do that!?" Tristin said jumping out of the way with the others. The rock crumbled hitting the ground.
"You kids are going to have to come at me a little harder than that!"
Jared stood from the ground.
"That was good you old fart. But I'd like to see you counter this!"
Jared stretched his arms out on both sides of him and began to spin quickly. Suddenly, flames ignited around his hands, then fire surrounded him in the form of a tornado.
"Woah, what is that!?" Luisa said in awe.
"That move is called Fire Spin. He's channeled fire through his hands and added momentum to it by spinning. The more speed and force of the air around him that he creates by spinning, the more the flames of that tornado grow. But he must be stopped. A move like that takes much training to control...he could burn this entire village." Alisa explained.
The tornado grew larger.
"What are you doing!? Are you trying to kill me!?" The man shouted.
Damn! I bit off more than I could chew with this move. I can't seem to stop spinning. I didn't even know I could do this move. Just the other day all I knew how to do was shoot fire from my palm.
"Somebody do something!" Luisa screamed.
Jared got closer to the old man who trembled in fear. Alisa sat her bag down. She inhaled deeply and exhaled.
"I got it." she said.
Alisa ran forward and jumped in front of the blazing tornado.
"What are you doing!?" Tristin shouted, now running at Alisa.
Alisa held her arms out on both sides of her. She closed her eyes and concentrated.
"It's been a while since I've used this move. But it must be done!" she said.
"Dancing Water Serpents!" Alisa shouted.

Water covered the ground around Alisa

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Water covered the ground around Alisa. Two streams of water shot up from the water and formed into water formed snakes. The snakes spiraled and spun around Alisa. Tristin and Luisa watched the snakes dance  elegantly around Alisa. Alisa put both hands in front of her which shot the snakes at Jared's tornado of fire. When contact was made the snakes then spiraled around the tornado of fire at increasing speeds. Suddenly the flames dispersed along with the snakes, and Jared spun a couple more times before falling to the ground in complete exhaustion.
"Jared!" Luisa screamed running over to him with Tristin.
Luisa knelt down and tried to get Jared to regain consciousness.
"He'll be out for a while. A move like that was a Level 7. Too much for his body to handle right now without the proper training." Alisa said, walking over to her to bag to pick it up and over her shoulder.
"Level 7? What do you mean?" Tristin asked.
"Allow me to explain" The old man interrupted. "There are seven levels to every move a Power Warrior performs. The higher the level, the more Power Energy it takes from a Power Warrior."
"What's Power Energy?" Tristin asked.
"It's simple, really. Power Energy is essential to every Power Warrior. It's a secondary bloodstream in a Power Warrior's body."
"Jared performed an attack above his level. You all are new to your abilities, which makes you all a Level 1. Performing any technique or attack above your level will take an extreme amount of Power Energy from a warrior. That's why Jared is unconscious." Alisa said.
Jared laid on his stomach as Luisa cried.
"Don't worry, he'll be okay. He just needs to rest. His Power Energy is completely empty. It just needs to replenish." The old man said.
"Hey. Who are you anyway?" Tristin asked the old man.
"Well, for starters. I am the assistant to the great King Tskune."
"No way! I mean, no offense but. Isn't he royalty? Why are you dressed like this?" Tristin asked.
"You idiot!" Luisa said slapping Tristin across the face. "Is that any way to speak to an elder!?"
"It's quite alright. You see, I come here in disguise to keep a closer eye on the village. This is Hakuchō Village. One of the six great villages in all of Japan. King Tskune rules over every village in Japan. But there have been terrible rumors about a return of an unwanted guest. To lay low I went into disguise and took on the visage of this old geezer."
The old man shape shifted right before their very eyes. They were all stunned by what they saw. There stood a six foot tall ape. His hair was long to his back and was black and unkempt, along with a black goatee. His tail was black furred and protruded from the back of his pants. His pants are black and loose at the top but tight at the ankles. He wears a kimono shirt with markings reminiscent of a jaguar that is tied closed with a purple sash. He also wears a headband that covers his forehead with a metal plate in front that says the Japanese character "猿" (Saru), meaning "Monkey." His fingernails and toenails were a dark purple-black and were semi long, and also had huge teeth with huge fangs showing when his mouth opened.
"This is my true form. I am Jin'ichi Fujimoto of the Great Apes."
"A talking monkey...that's cool! The outfit still isn't any better though." Tristin said shrugging. Luisa knocked Tristin to the ground with a hard smack.
"Hey, Lusia! Cut it out! Ouch! Stop it!" He yelled as she stood over him smacking him  repeatedly.

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