6...The Hakuchō Three

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It was 12am. The gang had walked for miles upon miles. Tiresome, they came to the peak of a mountain.
"We've arrived. Mount Hakuchō." Jin'ichi said. Everyone dropped and sat while thanking god for making it to the top finally.
"Come on, you all need to learn durability." Jin'ichi laughed.
"My bunions have bunions!" Luisa complained.
"Who knew that finding three old people would be so vigorous?" Said Tristin.
"Old? Try again!" said a voice.
Three figures jumped high and over the gang. When they landed they stood in front of everyone.
Could this be? The Hakuchō Three?
There stood three people. Their energy was so powerful, you could feel it.
"Jin'ichi! Good to see you, pal!" said the guy standing on the left.
"I'm still stuck on the fact that kid called us old!" said the woman on the right.
"You all are staring at The Legendary Hakuchō Three!" said the man in the middle.
He said this with a charming smile and giving a thumbs up.
They aren't old at all...they all look younger than my parents!
"Everyone, allow me to introduce the the warriors who saved Hakuchō years ago." Jin'ichi said.

Hanzo Akamine - A member of The Legendary Hakuchō Three. Hanzo is a highly skilled Pyromancer. At age seven, Hanzo could perform attacks as high as Level 4. Hanzo's abilities as a Pyromancer has been noted to be as strong as a dragon.

Natsu Shimura - The second member of The Legendary Hakuchō Three. Natsu is a Terramancer, and known to be the best in all of Japan. Natsu has been the only Terramancer in history to use a mud variation of earth, using it as a engulfing substance to overwhelm opponents.

Mai Inukozoku - This woman is the last member of The Legendary Hakuchō Three. Mai belongs to the Battle Hound Class of the Companion Type, so she battles alongside her Shiba Inu, Hana. Mai is so skilled that she's mastered a whole secondary set of Type and Class. She is also a Weaponry Type of the Kodachi Class. Kodachi is a short sword with a length of 40cm. Kodachi users are known to only wield one, Mai wields two and proves to be the best with Kodachi in all of Japan.

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