2...Conflict & Connections

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Days had passed and Kaeneki and Rosa had been expanding their kids abilities. They had been training day in and day out in the field in their backyard. Jared, Tristin and Luisa sat on the grass, trying to catch their breath.
"This has been more vigorous than I thought it would be guys." Luisa said breathing heavily.
"But look on the bright side. You and Jared have learned different fire type moves thanks to dad. And thanks to mom, I can pull rock from the earth and use it at my own will. Gotta admit, being exposed to our power is pretty dope." Said Tristin.
"I still feel we need more." Jared interrupted. "We can't get stronger allowing mom and dad to keep us in this box of their comfort zone."
"Damn it, do you ever give shit a break? Learn to take a chill pill. Appreciate what we can do. Before this you couldn't even form a single fireball." Tristin said.
Jared got up and walked over to his brother. Looking down at him, Jared had his fists clenched.
"Understand that I won't sit around and wait. I'm entering that tournament."
Tristin now stood up looking him evenly in the eyes.
"You heard what dad said, asshole. People die!"
"He's right, Jared..." Luisa said. "I'm really not trying to lose a brother. We're new at this. I'm sure everyone entering that tournament has been skilled their entire lives. This isn't something to just jump into because you're curious."
"Forget that! We are all adults here! Even you are a young adult, Luisa! How long are we going to let mom and dad's worries be our worries? It's OUR lives. I'm sorry, but I think we deserve more. And whoever wins the tournament becomes an instant public figure and becomes rich for the rest if their life. Tell me that doesn't sound good!" Jared said.
Tristin took his phone out and began searching for something. When he finished he gave Jared the phone.
DEATHMATCH TOURNAMENT 2017: Power Warriors from around the world compete in fights to the death to become the world's strongest warrior and gain billions! This is not a game. If you enter this tournament expecting anything less than death, reconsider. All warriors interested must join between June 11th and June 17th. ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK.
"You see? It's very serious, Jared. Something that we're not ready for." Tristin said. "Please. Let it go."
Jared bit his bottom lip in anger. Without saying a word, Jared gave Tristin his phone back and walked away.

Later that day, Jared had met up with Dan and Kevin at the local burger joint. They had been caught up to date with everything, but disagreed that Jared should enter the Deathmatch Tournament. Dan started nudging Jared and pointed at the door.
"There's your girlfriend" Dan laughed.
It was Alisa. She had saw Jared and the others and began walking towards them.
"Daniel. Kevin." She said smiling. "How are you, Jared?"
"I've been better. Enjoying your summer so far?" He asked
"So far, yes. I just wish there was something more exciting to do." Alisa responded.
"You know, my man Jared here was saying the same thing" Dan interrupted. "Maybe y'all can hang all summer instead of him going to that Deathmatch Tournament."
Alisa's facial expressions had changed. She had this look of worry on her face.
"You can't do that..." She said.
"Why's that?" Jared asked.
Why does she look so concerned? We barely know eachother. It's not like she cares.
"My brother..he died in that tournament ten years ago. It's ruthless..." Alisa said with a shaky voice. She began to reminisce being seven years old.
"I'll never forget that call my parents got. The scream I heard come from my mother... it was horrible."
"How did he die?..." Jared asked, concerned.
"He was savagely mauled by the Sphinx beast, Makaio."
"Sphinx beast? Explain please." Jared asked.
Alisa pulled out cards from her bag.
"These are info cards. They give you descriptions of Types and Classes of beings. This is the Sphinx card." She told him.
Jared had realized that these cards were the same cards his father had shown him, Tristin and Luisa.
Sphinx - A ravenous class of creatures belonging to Beast Types. Sphinx are Lion, Tiger or Leopard like creatures who have the body of a human but the head and other random characteristics of the large cat. They are bloodthirsty and murderous. They have little remorse for anything and will not hesitate to rip anyone apart. The average males stand at seven feet and the average female stands at six feet. Both have incredible muscle mass and strength and have predacious instincts. They are NOT nice beings, only infatuated with dominance, bloodshed and their own class. When a female Sphinx becomes pregnant, she will have a litter of sphinx cubs who grow tremendously fast and are cruel from birth. Some cubs even eat the others in the womb.
"Okay, I'm officially creeped the fuck out." Kevin said.
"Makaio is the King of the Sphinx. He won that tournament. It's been rumored that he'll make a return this year. So you see...you can't go, Jared. We don't really know eachother that well, but I have a heart. Please, don't go..." Alisa said grabbing his hand.
Jared looked at her eyes which seemed to be tearing up.
"Look... I promise you. If that creature shows up, I will bring back his head. You hear me? Believe me." Jared said squeezing her hand.
"But you can't go..." Alisa said. "Besides, isn't today the last day to enter? And it's all the way in Japan."
Jared grabbed his phone. Poor Alisa. I swear I'll kill that bastard. She's such a sweet girl. I fear nothing, I will make it my business to kill Makaio! Jared then put his phone back into his pocket. He looked at the three of them with a serious look on his face.
"I need you guys to trust me."
"Did you...did you really just enter the tournament!?" Dan shouted.
"Alisa...I want you to come with me."
Alisa hesitated as tears rolled down her face.
"Okay..I will go."

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