23...Backup Arrives!

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Luisa hung upside down from Makaio's hand as she still took massive blows to the stomach. Rei relentlessly shot water bullets from her mouth as Makaio still blocked every one with his other arms.
"Can't give up! I need to think of a different approach!" Rei thought to herself.
Maxi suddenly jumped through the air and latched onto Makaio's neck.
"Now's my chance!" Rei said.
Rei noticed torches lit not far from where she stood.
"That's it!" Rei shouted, running over to the torches.
Makaio pulled and tugged on Maxi to get him to release the grip from his teeth, but Maxi valiantly stayed locked on, as Makaio continued his beating on Luisa. Rei grabbed both torches and ran back over to Makaio.
"Luisa! I'm going to throw these up to you! Inhale the flames if you can! You have to try!" Rei screamed.
Luisa gave no response. She had been punched in the stomach so much that blood dripped from her mouth. Rei tossed the torches into the air and Luisa came face to face with the flames.
"What's the meaning of this!?" Makaio asked, angrily.
Luisa opened her mouth and sucked in the flames as quickly as possible between the punches. Suddenly she felt her chest burn satisfyingly. She gave Makaio a darting look which ceased his assault.
"You're toast, creep." Luisa said.
Luisa signaled Maxi to release his grip and run out of the way, then she quickly breathed a large stream of fire from her mouth, hitting Makaio directly in his face. He immediately dropped her, covering and holding his face while screaming loudly. Luisa was caught by Rei who broke her fall.
"Thank you! How did you know that flames would help?" Luisa asked.
"I'm forty two years old. I've been around all types of warriors" Rei responded. "I knew that the flames would give you strength back and increase your power energy. Perks of you being a Pyromancer."
"How dare you!?" Makaio screamed.
He began charging at Rei, Maxi and Luisa, face singed.
"Here he comes! Get ready!" shouted Rei.
Rei ran behind Makaio, as Luisa leaped into the air in front of him with Maxi. Luisa took out two sharp metal skewers of dango dumplings and popped all six into her mouth, as Maxi latched on to one Makaio's arms.
"Take this!" Luisa shouted after swallowing the dango dumplings.
Luisa threw one skewer at Makaio. Makaio covered his face, causing the skewer to piece through his hand. He quickly grabbed and snatched Luisa out of the air by her waist, and shook Maxi off of his arm. Maxi landed swiftly on his feet.
"Maxi! Go find Jared and Tristin! Now!" Luisa shouted.
Maxi whined as Luisa kicked desperately.
"Don't worry about me! Go, boy! Hurry!" Luisa shouted.
Maxi barked and ran off to do so. Rei kicked Makaio in the back of the knee, causing him to drop to one knee.
"Let her go!" Rei shouted. Rei formed a compressed and condensed ball of water. She shaped it into a kunai and drove it into Makaio's side, with it exploding on impact. Makaio screamed in pain. He reached and grabbed Rei with one of his other arms, lifting her into the air as he did Luisa. Luisa kicked desperately trying to break free. She stabbed the second skewer through his hand, hoping it would release his grip, but Makaio didn't react at all. At least not the way Luisa wanted him too. Makaio squeezed them in his hands.
"Why is he ignoring pain!?" Luisa said, straining to breath as Makaio squeezed her.
Makaio suddenly threw Luisa to the ground hard on her back. He stomped her hard, leaving a crater the shape of her body in the ground.
"You stay there!" He demanded. "I can't kill you. You are to be my bride and bearer of my children. You stay there as I kill this miserable ugly woman."
Makaio squeezed Rei harder, causing her to scream loudly. Luisa crawled out of the crater and struggled to stand to her feet. The cracking of Rei's ribs caused Luisa to gag and become teary eyed.
"You...let her go!" Luisa screamed.
She raised both hands over her head, palms facing up towards the sky.
"If I remember correctly, Mai Sensei said that when Hanzo performed this move, he channeled fire to his palms only." Luisa thought to herself. "If I can just focus...if I can just channel fire to my hands instead of my entire hands, this can work! Come on, Luisana, you got this!"
Luisa brought both hands down to her sides slowly. Palms facing outward and releasing a string of fire as she placed them at her sides. She then ran at Makaio with both hands behind her with a trail of fire coming from them.
"This one will stop you, beast!" Luisa shouted.
Luisa struck Makaio in the stomach with both palms. Makaio's body jerked and he dropped Rei. Makaio began screaming in agony and fell to the floor.
"Agh! What have you done to me!? My body feels like it's on fire!" he screamed, rolling around.
"That was one of Hanzo's signature attacks" said Rei, breathing heavily. "How did you learn Incineration Palms without any training from Hanzo himself?"
"Mai Sensei told me what he did to execute that attack. I just thought of it and did it." Luisa responded.
"Incineration Palms is a Level 6 attack Offensive Ranked attack. Where the user covers only the palms of their hands with a thin layer of fire, strike the opponent, and pass it through their body to give them a burning sensation all over their body" said Rei to herself. "She didn't coat her palms in a layer though, she more so released a thin string from her palms. To modify Hanzo's attack, making it her own. To execute it perfectly, and with no training from Hanzo...could this girl have inherited the incredible smarts of Mai Inukuzoku after just one week of her training?"
Suddenly, Makaio began laughing, which made Luisa and Rei stand in preparation.
"Nothing can keep me down" he said, getting up to stand. "You will have to sever my head from my shoulders to kill me!"
"H-how?...How is he still standing?" Rei asked, holding her ribs.
"That was supposed to keep him down! That was supposed to burn his internal organs! What did I do wrong!?" Luisa shouted.
Makaio's face, body, and arms began to become more muscular and veiny.
"The one thing you didn't know is that I can make myself stronger by using a technique called Buff Up" said Makaio. "A technique only unique to my Sphinx race. I can still feel the burn, but it will not immobilize me any longer! Your effort to kill me with that attack was futile!"
"What to do?..." Luisa thought to herself. "I feel like we aren't getting anywhere! And I'm just about empty on power energy. And Rei is about done on hers too. Besides, the more she breathes, the more pain she suffers from because of her cracked ribs. What do we do!?"
Suddenly, Luisa was sent flying back by a heavy punch to her face.
"I told you, stay back!" Makaio shouted.
Rei began punching Makaio in his stomach repeatedly. She went for a punch to the face, but Makaio caught her fist. He quickly squeezed, breaking her hand. He then took his two fingers and drove his two sharp nails into her chest. The nails penetrated her chest, leaving a bleeding hole. He then held her high with two arms, then began to slash at her with his claws from his other arms. Luisa, unconscious and laying on the ground, could do nothing to cease the onslaught. Rei's face, chest, and stomach were cut up and bleeding tremendously. Her clothes were in shreds. Makaio released her, letting her fall to the ground on her stomach.
"That should do it. Now, to take my bride." he said, walking over to Luisa.
As he reached down to grab Luisa, his hand was knocked out of the way. Rei was on her hands and knees over Luisa.
"No matter what...I'm not letting you take the girl." Rei said slowly.
"How are you able to move!? I was certain you were dead! You're torn to shreds, yet you risk your life even more by protecting her? Foolish human!" Makaio shouted.
"One thing about Japan, Makaio" Rei said. "We stick together...whether you're from here or not. Once someone becomes an ally, we protect them. We don't turn our backs on them!...even if I lose my life doing so, I WILL protect this child!"
Makaio grinned evily.
"Allow me to introduce you to death then!" He shouted.
Makaio began to savagely slice Rei's back with all six of his claws, repeatedly. Rei grunted in pain. Tears fell from her eyes and onto the ground between her fingers as she still kneeled over Luisa. Makaio's claws became more and more bloodied every time he sliced her back.
"I...won't...let...you take her!" Rei screamed, crying in pain.
Makaio continued to tear her back to mincemeat. Suddenly, the sound of a gunshot echoed the air, and Makaio ceased. He looked down at his stomach which was bleeding. He felt his back in pain as well, and noticed it was bleeding as well.
"What is the meaning of this?" He asked.
He looked a few inches away from him, and on the ground laid a pink bullet made of gold.
"I...I've been shot." He said, holding his stomach.
"Losing too much blood" Rei thought to herself. "Sadly...I'm done here."
Rei collapsed and fell on top of Luisa, still unconscious.
Suddenly a girl flipped over Makaio. Another did the same. A third followed. Across from Makaio stood three girls with a returned Maxi. They were in schoolgirl uniforms with military bomber jackets. They carried machine and shot guns with pistols and knives strapped to their thighs. One of the girls even had a mechanical leg.
"Makaio! Desist! Or die here!" Said the blonde and pink haired girl in the middle.
"Just who are you three jezebels supposed to be?" Makaio asked.
Without an answer, the girl with short brown hair and the mechanical leg fired a single pink bullet at Makaio, piercing his chest. Makaio held his chest and fell to his knees.
"I...I can't move." He said, falling forward on his face.
"Good shot with the paralysis bullet, Lacey." said the girl with long brown hair.
"Lacey. Azula. Get the girls before he regains senses. I'll call in Donatella with the chopper and tell her to pick us up outside of the gate." said the girl with blonde and pink hair, as she pulled out a pink Iphone.
"On it, General Kaila!" the two responded, swiftly lifting Rei and Luisa from the ground with ease.
"What...who are you?"
"General Kaila! Luisa's awoken!" Lacey said.
"Luisana Dorahatō? I'm General Kaila Gage. Commander of The Kill Squad. Please, tell us the whereabouts of your brothers, Tristinio and Jaredano Dorahatō."
Luisa rubbed her eyes. She looked up at Lacey who carried her. She then looked over at Azula who carried a beaten and bloodied Rei in her arms.
"What happened with her!? Is she alive!?" Luisa said, trying to get out of Lacey's arms.
"Please, you mustn't!" Lacey said.
"She's barely alive. Her injuries are severe. We have to get her to a hospital, stat!" Azula said.
"Please, tell me where your brothers are." Said Kaila.
Luisa hesitated.
"I...I don't know about Jared... Last I remember, he went to the Kujaku Ramen Shop with Natsu. Tristin should be in the hospital still. But all of that could be changed by now, Kujaku is under attack by China with Vietnam as their ally. Why do you ask?"
"We were sent here by your father, Kaeneki Dorahatō. We're from Southern California. Here to bring you, Jared and Tristin home." Kaila responded.
"My dad...how did he know of all of this?" Luisa asked.
"No clue. But your father hired us and wanted us to make sure you and your brothers are still alive. There seems to be a hidden connection with the organization known as the Sîwáng within your group. It could be one of your brothers if not both." Said Kaila.
Luisa's heart dropped.
"But...but the Sîwáng...that's being ran by King Kang. My brothers would never!" Luisa shouted.
"Better safe than sorry" said Kaila. "We know for a fact that one of them are involved with the Sîwáng. Too many clues has led us here. To be sure that you aren't involved, we'll be keeping you handcuffed and watched closely by tracking your movements." Kaila responded.
Lacey quickly cuffed Luisa with high tech bionic handcuffs, then pulled out a small razor and made an incision to Luisa's neck. She then put a small chip into her neck.
"Hey! Just what the hell do you... think you're...doing?" Luisa said slowly.
Luisa suddenly passed out again.
The sounds of a helicopter landing approached.
"Girls, let's go. Quickly!" Kaila shouted as they all ran off and into the helicopter.

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