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*China, Hǎishuǐ Village, Lan Di Palace*
Naija laid in the locked room Kang had her stay in. She did nothing but think of Rashaad day in and day out. Thinking of how Kang said Ryo killed him. She had flashbacks of being in the crowd section, screaming for someone to help her husband as he bled out from Ryo's arm blade. Her due date was near, two weeks away to be exact. Her most saddening thought was giving birth and Rashaad not being alive to see their daughter grow. She wiped away tears continuously. She thought of her family back in Arabia. Her parents along with Rashaad's parents won't get to see their granddaughter either. She imagined, thought and felt the worst. A knock on the door startled her. The door swung open and Ping stuck his head in.
"Just checking on you, via orders from King Kang. You will eat again in approximately five minutes." he said, closing the door back.
Naija wiped tears for a final time.
"No more waiting around. I have to get out of here." She said.
She looked over at the window which was open, but had metal bars, keeping anyone from entering or exiting. Minutes passed and Ping had returned to the room. He dropped the tray of food in complete shock.
"My lord! My lord! She has escaped! Naija has escaped!" Ping shouted running out the door and into the halls of the palace.
"What do you mean!? How!?" Kang shouted.
Ping stammered over his words.
"Speak, fool!" Kokoro demanded.
"I don't know how! But all I know is that she is gone! So quickly she escaped...I had just saw her!" Ping said frantically.
Kang rushed to the room where he walked to the window. He ran his fingers along the windowsill.
"Damn it! Sand! She turned her entire body into sand to fit through the window!" he shouted, grinding the sand between his fingertips.
"I thought she was a normal person? Hawk said when he captured her she showed no display of being a power warrior!" Kokoro said.
"Hawk was apparently wrong! Damn it, this is not good!" Kang said, storming out of the room and pacing the hall.
"What do we do, my love? Let her flee? What about the child?" Kokoro asked worryingly.
"No. We send a unit to search for her. Bring her back here and this time I will have her under complete and total supervision" Kang said. "Ping. Gather Anaki, Shuji and Sun-Mi. Send them on a search for Naija. I want her back immediately!"
"Yes, my lord!" Ping said dashing away.

*Japan, Kujaku Village*
Mai walked the streets of Kujaku with Hana.
"Thanks for coming all the way out here with me, girl. I needed to get away." Mai said.
Hana barked in contentment. Mai noticed a woman standing at a stand buying deep fried green tea mochi. A black cat walked in and out from between her legs, rubbing its head and body on her ankles and calves with every step. Hana growled, startling the cat, who then hissed at Hana. The woman turned from the stand and looked at Mai, becoming startled. Mai had a startled look on her face too. The woman and Mai walked closer to eachother. Their looks of startle soon shifted to anger.
"Well well well. If it isn't Mai Inukozoku." said the woman.
"Long time no see. Kizumi Nekoiko." Mai said.

Kizumi is from the Nekoiko Clan, a rival clan to the Inukozoku Clan that Mai belongs to

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Kizumi is from the Nekoiko Clan, a rival clan to the Inukozoku Clan that Mai belongs to. The Nekoiko Clan are known to battle with cats alongside them. Every member from the Nekoiko Clan has white hair and magenta colored eyes. They also most of the time wear blue with white fluffy fur incorporated in their clothing.
"You don't look the same. You've aged." Kizumi said, looking at her painted white sharpened fingernails.
"Hmm. Neither do you, Kizumi. You've gained weight." Mai replied with a sly smirk.
Kizumi could feel her blood boiling inside, but remained calm on the outside.
Hana began barking at Kizumi's cat and the cat began meowing wildly.
"Look what that mutt has done" Kizumi said picking up her cat. "That flea ridden mutt has upset my beautiful Mayonaka."
"Oh, please" Mai said, now picking up Hana. "That walking litter scented hairball shows no couth."
"What brings you to Kujaku anyhow? Shouldn't you be somewhere on that mountain in Hakuchō?" Kizumi asked.
"I needed a get away. So I came here. Not that I owe you any explanation" said Mai. "I should probably head back though. I'm participating in the war with China in six days."
"I can't believe King Tskune is really gone...It's heartbreaking. But, why did you need a get away? Grieving too bad? Seeking beauty refining tips?" Kizumi teased.
Mai looked away as tears rolled down her face and walked away.
"Woah...Hey, Mai? Look, I know we aren't friends but what the hell? My insults never brought you to tears." Kizumi said rushing behind her.
"Don't flatter yourself" Mai said wiping a tear and sitting on a nearby rail. "It's Hanzo."
"Hanzo? You two ought to be married by now, it's been years. How is he?" Kizumi asked.
"That's just it. We aren't married. We aren't even together. He's engaged to Kikyo and they have a child together who's twenty one." Mai said.
"Engaged to Kikyo? Kikyo Koizumi? She's back around? And a kid? I move out of Hakuchō and miss out on everything" Kizumi said. "So I'm assuming you feel pretty worthless because it isn't you, right?"
Mai nodded her head.
"Not only that, but he hasn't been much of a friend anymore to me either. All because Kikyo hates me..." Mai said.
"Look. If Hanzo played you for Kikyo after all you two have been through, then he never deserved you. Not as a friend or a lover. And as for Kikyo, you kill that bitch with kindness. Don't let her see you sweat." Kizumi said.
"I almost thought of you in a good light" said Mai. "Who knew you cared so much."
Kizumi stood from the rail.
"I don't. Just hate to see a woman tore up over a guy that isn't worth it." she said walking away.
Mai rolled her eyes.
"Oh yeah, by the way mutt girl" Kizumi said turning around and looking at Mai. "You come at me again, I'll beat you senseless. Got it?"
Mai's face turned back to anger.
"Try it, cat bitch. I'll have you in the hospital quicker than you can cough up a hairball." Mai snapped back.
Kizumi smirked and rolled her eyes, turning and waking away.

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